Adjective (の)
1. dawn; daybreak
2. end; soon after something has ended
3. beginning (of a new year, month, etc.)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
Happy New Year
dawn (sometimes esp. in ref. to the 16th day of the lunar month onward)
dawn; daybreak
just after a holiday break; the first day after the holidays
beginning of next week (usu. Monday); early next week
the rise of the curtain; opening (of play); beginning (e.g. of an era); opening (festival, event, etc.)
beginning of the year; early in the New Year
after staying up all night
unguarded; frank; open
leaving open; leaving ajar; outspoken; frank
opening (of a bottle); broaching; beginning; opening; commencement (e.g. of sales)
(being) off night duty; end of a night shift
end of the rainy season
end of consecutive holidays
morning star; Lucifer; Phosphorus; Venus in the morning sky
evacuation; surrender
morning and evening; all the time
day in and day out; all the time
every night comes to an end; every night sees a dawn
leaving open; leaving ajar; outspoken; frank
opening; beginning; commencement
the day after a holiday
still dark; not yet dawn
the sixth hour of the morning
expiration of a term of service
dawn; daybreak
dawn; daybreak
just after O-Bon; the period (immediately) after O-Bon
useless; no good; hopeless
end of mourning
end of mourning
dawn; daybreak
just after O-Bon; the period (immediately) after O-Bon
cannot live even a minute without someone or something; meaning the world to one
day off; off duty
luggage trunk for wrestlers and referees; wicker basket for a wrestler's belt, apron, etc.
reassembling of a legislature
the beginning of spring
robe worn by military officials with a round collar, unstitched open sides, and no wrapped fabric along the bottom; small opening in the side of traditional Japanese clothing (where the sleeve meets the bodice, below the armpit); clothing with such an opening (usu. worn by women or children)
expiration of a term of service