Usually written in kana
1. this; this one
indicating an item near the speaker, the action of the speaker, or the current topic
2. this person
usu. indicating someone in one's in-group
3. now; this point (in time)
as これから, これまで, etc.
4. here
Usually written in kana
5. used to stress the subject of a sentence
6. I; me
Kanji used
go with
Pitch accent
Top 37200
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
so; so much; this much
this and that; this or that; one thing or another; this way and that
so far; up to now; hitherto; that's enough (for today); it ends here
so; so much; this much
last time (as of now); never again; only this
showy; ostentatious
this and that; this person and that person; anybody
to err and not change one's ways, this is what it is to err
to this extent; to this degree; this much; this little
unavoidable; this is it; this is the end; left with no choice; it's all over now
last time (as of now); never again; only this
to err and not change one's ways, this is what it is to err
this much; this amount
tiny amount (degree, extent); paltry amount; slightest bit
this and that; one thing and another
trifle; insignificant thing; (only) this much
tiny amount (degree, extent); paltry amount; slightest bit
only this; this much; this small amount (degree, extent); (not) in the slightest; (not) at all