1. a throw; a fall
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (55 in total)
pillow fight
negligent; careless; slipshod; slovenly; reckless; irresponsible
pulling overarm throw
wholesale delegation; hundred-percent subcontracting; leaving all the decision-making to somebody else
throwing knife
throwing oneself (e.g. into the water to commit suicide)
cast net; casting net
thrown kiss; blown kiss; air kiss
throw or throwing technique (sumo, judo)
quoits; ring toss
throwing stones; slingshot; sling
the die is cast; there is no going back; point of no return; alea iacta est; alea jacta est
lasso; lariat
javelin (throw)
knife thrower; knife throwing
tossing a coin (to a street performer or beggar); tossed coin; (online) tipping; tip; donation
tossing a coin (to a street performer or beggar); tossed coin; (online) tipping; tip; donation
throwing with the hand
sacrifice sale; selling at a loss; dumping; clearance sale
hammer throw (track and field)
jetsam; jettisoned cargo
ball game; playing catch
overhead throw in judo
throwing in; tossing in; insert (in a newspaper, book, etc.); free-style flower arrangement
discus throw
underhand throw; underarm throw
nageire; free-style flower arrangement
thrown kiss; blown kiss; air kiss
variety of beltless arm throw
overhand throw; a throw using the outside of the arm
kubinage; neck throw; head throw
ura-nage (in judo, an over-the-head throw performed by rolling backwards)
left-handed pitching
throwing sideways
snowball fight
sacrifice goods; liquidation (shares); things thrown (out)
winning techniques where the opponent is thrown without close bodily contact
girl's throw; throwing like a girl
armlock throw; forearm throw
being at a loss
hip throw (judo, sumo)
body drop throw (sweeping the opponent's legs and throwing them forward)
inner thigh throw
lifting throw
throwing of mochi to an assembled crowd, esp. during the framework-raising ceremony of a new building
playing catch
javelin; lance
pulling underarm throw
hooking inner thigh throw
backward belt throw
two-handed head twist down
rear throw down
fight in which things are thrown at each other (e.g. pie fight); pitching duel
dwarf-throwing; dwarf-tossing; midget-tossing