1. across; over; beyond; through; crossing
2. throughout (a period of time); for
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
feeling of food or drink going down one's throat
over one's shoulder
viewing through a window; passing through a window; going through a window; doing through a window
through glass
through a wall; on the other side of a wall
(looking) over the top of one's glasses; (looking) through a pair of glasses
ignoring; bypassing; doing something without consultation; going over someone's head
through a (computer, etc.) screen
through a fusuma
(kept) overnight
over a wall; crossing a fence
wintering; passing the winter
over the fence (e.g. looking, conducting a conversation); back-fence
being well-known to
keeping over the summer
wind blowing down, coming over a mountain; immediately after one's draw; winning off a discarded tile from the player to one's right or across the table on the turn after letting one's winning tile go by from the player to one's left
separation (e.g. by a screen, curtain, or door)
between the leaves; through the leaves
summer purification rites (held at shrines on the last day of the 6th lunar month)
crossing a river
thinly slicing soft-boned fish for sashimi
ford; low-level crossing
left (unpaid) from previous month
rudely reaching over one's serving tray to grab food behind it with one's chopsticks