1. effectiveness; efficacy; efficaciousness
効き often refers to medicine
2. dominance (e.g. of left or right hand)
3. tasting (alcohol, tea, etc.)
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
able; capable; competent; able person; person of ability
the way one talks; one's way of speaking
judgement; judgment; connoisseur
one's dominant arm
one's dominant hand
mediation; good offices; influential person; person of influence; (arch.) eloquence; (arch.) eloquent person
left-handedness; left-handed person; left-hander; fondness for alcohol; person who is fond of alcohol; drinker
right-handedness; right-handed person; right-hander
effect; virtue; efficacy; one's dominant eye
one's dominant foot
ambidexter; ambidexterity
skill; mastery
ambidexter; ambidexterity
well-known face (esp. in a particular area or among a specific group); influential person; big wheel
influential; man of influence
effective spot (e.g. in acupuncture); pressure point; key point (e.g. of a problem); important point
tea tasting; tea-tasting; tea-tasting contest
tasting; taster (of sake, wine, etc.)