1. waiting; waiting time
2. wait tile; tile which would complete one's hand
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (61 in total)
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting
to lie in wait (for); to be on the watch (for); to wait (for); to watch (for)
sitting while waiting; (according to the lunar calendar) an eighteen-day-old moon
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting
to wait impatiently for
ambush; lying in wait for an ambush
to await; to expect
to be tired of waiting; to wait impatiently
to get tired of waiting
rendezvous; meeting; area where guests gather before the start of a tea ceremony; waiting room; (arch.) meeting place for assignations, drinking, etc.
attendant's waiting room
to be impatient for; to wait (anxiously) for; to eagerly look forward to; to long for
long-awaited; eagerly awaited
waiting impatiently for
to wait eagerly for; to look forward to
long-awaited; long-waited-for; waiting impatiently
waiting for someone to arrive
waiting for the sun (traditional all-night event of worship and neighbourhood fellowship)
to rendezvous; to meet at a prearranged place and time; to arrange to meet
to wait for a long time; to wait and wait; to eagerly await
vehicle waiting to be hired
moon-waiting party
waiting in vain
anticipation; expectation
waiting for favorable wind; waiting for favourable wind
festival associated with Shōmen Kongō; staying awake on the eve of the 57th day of the sexagenary cycle to prevent the three worms from reporting one's wrongdoings to the gods
waiting in place of someone else
longed-for; anxiously awaited
waiting time; latency; standby time (e.g. cellular phones); queueing time
waiting one's turn
waiting in vain
waiting; expectation; standby image (on a mobile phone); (phone) wallpaper
waiting for the traffic lights to change
waiting (e.g. at the stage door) for performers or celebrities to exit
to expect; to look for; to look forward to; to anticipate; to wait for
waiting for customers
waiting list (waiting for a cancellation)
lay-over; stop-over
to tire of waiting
waiting (e.g. at the stage door) for performers or celebrities to arrive
to wait in vain
waiting state
to wait all day
waiting for the rising tide or a good opportunity
waiting for one tile to finish one's pair and one's hand; waiting for half of one's pair with four melds completed
standby screen (on a mobile phone); (phone) wallpaper
to wait all night
stand-by (on an airplane)
double-sided wait (for one's last tile); wait for either of two different tiles to complete a chow which will finish one's hand
waiting move
waiting list (waiting for someone to cancel)
wait for the middle tile of a three-in-a-row which will finish one's hand
one-sided wait for the end tile of a three-in-a-row which will finish one's hand (i.e. for a 3 while holding 1-2, or for a 7 while holding 8-9)
wait to turn either of two pairs into a pung to finish one's hand
waiting for a call (e.g. on livestream); waiting for an assault from another party
Examples (1 in total)
Tom is waiting for a tow truck.