1. sitting
2. stability
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
sit down; sit up; Sit! (to a dog)
sitting on the floor grasping one's knees (as in a gym class)
sitting on the floor grasping one's knees (as in a gym class)
sit-in (i.e. in protest)
sitting on the floor grasping one's knees (as in a gym class)
squatting (usu. with elbows on knees)
squatting (usu. with elbows on knees)
ways of sitting
sitting on the floor with one's legs tucked under to one side
calluses (on one's ankles, insteps, etc.) caused by sitting seiza
bath with (compartmentalized) ledges for sitting
zabuton (flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular)