1. counter for houses, households, apartments, etc.
Kanji used
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
family register; census
open air; outdoors; outside
Ministry of Revenue (Tang-dynasty China)
non-drinker; someone who cannot drink
houses and inhabitants; population
(separate) house; detached house
number of households (houses)
head of a household
all houses; many houses
all the houses (in town)
dwelling unit (esp. in apartment block, etc.)
from door to door
house-to-house; door-to-door; each house
from door to door
private house
tradesman (in the ritsuryō system)
rights accruing to the head of a household (according to laws now obsolete)
low-caste servants of public ministries (in the ritsuryō system)
each house; every house
unsold apartment (usu. newly built); remaining apartments (unsold)
household with at least one member subject to taxation (ritsuryo system)
imperial tomb guard
Examples (2 in total)
Two hundred houses were burnt down in the fire which broke out yesterday.
This is a map of Ninohe District.