1. lunch
2. noon; midday
3. daytime
4. waking up; getting up; rising
Pitch accent
Composed of
honorific/polite/humble prefix
noon; midday; daytime; lunch
Examples (28 in total)
Haven't you eaten lunch yet?
Well, let's have lunch.
I'll come at noon to pick you up.
When is your lunch break?
Are sandwiches OK for lunch?
Those are the leftovers from lunch.
I had an egg sandwich for lunch.
Have you finished eating your lunch?
Have you decided where we are having lunch?
Where do you usually eat lunch?
My mother is preparing lunch.
I usually have lunch here.
Mum made lunch for me.
I have lunch at noon with my friends.
Tom, have you already eaten lunch?
Tom ate instant ramen for lunch.
We often have lunch together.
It may rain around noon.
She finished her lunch quickly and went shopping.
I was hungry, so I ate lunch at about 11 o'clock.
He came a little after noon.
I'm having lunch with my sister right now.
No, he has gone out for lunch already.
The café nearer to the school is closed at lunch hours.
I was busy at work today so I didn't have the time to eat lunch.
We should get to Chicago by lunchtime.
Are you hungry already? You should've eaten more for lunch.
What do Japanese students usually eat for lunch?