1. stormy weather; tempest; chaps (of skin)
Kanji used
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
to rampage; to run wild; to go berserk; to be violent (waves, wind, etc.); to be rough
to fall into ruin; to be desolated
wasteland; wilderness; abandoned land; devastated land
left in a state of neglect; left to go to ruin; left to run wild (e.g. of a garden)
great storm; very severe weather; upset; surprise result; agitation; upheaval
wasteland; wilderness; deserted land; prairie; vast plain; wilds
dry skin; bad skin; rough skin; unhealthy skin
stormy; threatening
rough hands; red hands
squall; burst of anger
dilapidated house; tumbledown house; hovel; miserable shack
dry or chapped skin
protecting the skin from becoming rough; lotion for rough skin; salve
spring storm
wild; neglected; rough (e.g. skin)
protecting the skin from becoming rough; lotion for rough skin; salve