1. pitching ability
2. counter for pitches
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
throwing down; dropping; airdrop; investment
pitching; throwing a ball; bowling (in cricket); pitched ball
voting; poll
contribution (to a newspaper, magazine, etc.); submission; post (on a blog, social media, etc.)
imprisonment; incarceration
stone throwing
mailing; posting
administration; medication; dosage
letter (e.g. of complaint); letter to the editor; letter from a reader; contribution (to a newspaper, magazine, etc.)
resignation; giving up the game for lost
speculation; venture; stockjobbing; gambling (on stocks)
projection; ejection
prostration; placing knees, hands and forehead on the ground to show utmost respect
wild pitch
continuing to pitch
lodging; putting up at a hotel
pitching in consecutive games; making multiple posts (on a website); posting multiple comments
way of throwing (esp. in baseball); throwing technique; pitching technique
going the whole distance; pitching a whole game
investment trust
dropping a bomb; bomb drop; slingstone
pitching and batting
good (nice) pitching
Fiscal Investment and Loan Program; FILP
agreement; coincidence; congeniality
wild pitch
casting and counting votes
pitching with all one's strength
contributor (e.g. to a newspaper); correspondent
pitch-pot (stick-throwing game)
submitting a haiku (for publication)
soft pitch
good pitch
angle of projection or incidence
investment and lending
starting pitcher
pitchers fly
investment strategy
thrownness; philosophical concept (Geworfenheit in German) introduced by Heidegger