1. native Japanese reading of a Chinese character
2. precept; lesson; one's teachings
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
reading of a kanji by meaning
training; drill; practice; discipline
lesson; precept; teachings; moral
family precepts; family motto; rule of the home
warning; admonition; lesson or a phrase that teaches you not to do something
school precepts
admonitory speech (e.g. to students); words of admonition
directive; instructions
exemplum; apologue
guiding precepts of a company; company credo; corporate philosophy
kun reading; kun'yomi; native Japanese reading of a Chinese character
the instruction of a teacher
admonitory speech; words of admonition
kanji readings
Japanese reading of a Chinese character
the Japanese reading of a kanji
guiding marks for rendering classical Chinese into Japanese
private or secret orders
instructions sent in response to a question (from an embassy, consulate, etc.)
reading of a kanji compound by meaning
reading and meaning of a kanji
difficult reading of a kanji
interpretation; explanation
giving guidance; explaining
former reading (of kanji, classical Chinese, etc.); ancient teachings
strict instruction
correct kun reading
kun homophone
Hunmin-jongum; the Hankul (Hangul) alphabet (of Korea); the Onmun (Enmun)
imperial navy order