1. pitch; tone; key
2. time; tempo
3. mood; tendency; style
4. tax paid in kind (ritsuryo period); first a tax on rice fields and households, then on individuals
also 徴
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (126 in total)
tune; tone; vein; mood; condition; state of health
writing style
household items; furniture; furnishings; (arch.) bow and arrow
physical condition; state of health
inactive; slow; sluggish; slack; low tone; undertone
in perfect form; going swimmingly
tone (of voice); manner of talking
favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right
cooking; food preparation
emphasis; highlight; stress; stressed point
sympathy; agreement with; alignment; conformity; tuning
mixing; compounding; dispensing (e.g. prescription)
harmony; accord; reconciliation; agreement
training (animals); breaking (animals)
bad condition; not to work out (i.e. a deal); disagreement; break-off; disorder; slump
regulation; adjustment; control
monotony; monotone; dullness; monotone; monotonic
basic tone; underlying tone; trend; keynote
pace; step; cadence
tone (of voice); parlance; style; intonation; accent
tuning (musical)
making (a new suit, dress, etc.); having (something) made; buying new; new tune; new melody; new composition
air conditioning
protocol; written evidence; record (investigation, interrogation, etc.); preliminary memo; charge sheet
animal trainer
change of tone; variation (music); irregularity; modulation (in radio)
favourable; favorable; promising; satisfactory; in good shape
art of cooking; cookery; cuisine
signature; signing; sealing
good (condition); going well; fine; smooth
color tone; colour tone
plan; scheme; intention; project; design
melody; tune
making up a prescription; dispensing medicine; preparing medicine
tone (of argument); tenor; drift
tone (of speech, writing, etc.); style
tune; tone; intonation; melody; rhythm; harmony
atmosphere; mood; sentiment
seasoning; flavoring; flavouring
change of key (during piece); modulation
Cabinet Information Research Office
high spirits
manufacture; preparation; execution (an order)
minor key
convenient; useful; handy; helpful
one's best form
plaintive strains; mournful tone; sad melody
gradation; gradient
exaggerated; dramatized
seven-and-five-syllable meter
traditional tune
sad sound; plaintive melody
firm (market); bullish; strong (sales, economy, etc.); steady; sound
keynote; predominant element; main point
commanding attitude; authoritative tone
out of tune; (poetic) broken meter
poetic style typical of Man'yōshū
weak (market); bearish; soft (tone, focus) (photography)
polytonality; polytonalism
key of B
an ornate style
key of E
corvee; taxes in kind or service (ritsuryo system)
flavor of literary style; flavour of literary style
key of F
five and seven-syllable meter
(in a) rough Tokyo dialect; (having a) crude mouth; vulgar language; crude speaking
wartime atmosphere
local procurement; local content; sourcing locally
key of D
calm condition; normal condition
tone of an image
haircut; barbering
revival or reactionary mood
ōshiki mode (one of the six main gagaku modes)
style of haikai or haiku from the Tenmei era (based on a return to the style of Basho); style of comical tanka from the Tenmei era (popularized by Oota Nampo)
chemical seasoning
popular music; vulgar music
key of G
key of C
governor (device); speed regulator
reexamination; reinvestigation
mixing colors; mixing colours; tone
key signature
translationese; translatese; translatorese
banshiki mode (one of the six main gagaku modes)
key of A
musical tone
party policy research
harmonic (wave)
just intonation
ichikotsu mode (one of the six main gagaku modes)
(being) free of chemical seasoning (esp. MSG)
good tune
concert pitch
high-contrast (photography); hard tone; bullish (market); firm
tax system research commission; tax system research council; select committee on the taxation system; tax commission
playing the koto
mixture; preparation
desiccant; moisture absorbent
unfavourable condition; adverse position
Fougere fragrance (family of scents including coumarin, oak moss, lavender, and geranium oil, used in perfumes)
Chypre fragrance (family of scents including sage, lavender, and oak moss, used in perfumes)
taishiki mode (one of the six main gagaku modes)
start-stop transmission
start-stop synchronization
start-stop system
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
aligning ring
falling intonation; falling tone
rising intonation; rising tone
chōfu-maki (traditional Japanese sweet)