1. hiding place
2. genitals
| Used in | Used in % |
Anime | 0 | (0%) |
Live action | 1 | (0%) |
Visual novels | 2 | (0%) |
Novels | 1 | (0%) |
Non-fiction | 1 | (0%) |
Web novels | 0 | (0%) |
Aozora Bunko | 3 | (0%) |
Used in
Showing 1..8 from 8 entries
Live action
Zeni no Sensou
Visual novel
Albatross Koukairoku
Visual novel
Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Book (non-fiction)
Kodai Kenkyuu Series
Aozora Bunko
ネズミ、シラミ、歴史 専門家でない読者に必要な12章を含む発疹チフス一生の伝記