1. source; origin
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
diving beetle; Japanese predacious diving beetle (Cybister japonicus)
source (e.g. of a river); headwaters; origin of something continuous (language, culture, etc.)
origin; root; cause; principle
source; origin
source of river; fountainhead
source of income
hypocentre (of an earthquake); hypocenter
source of information; intelligence source; message source
heat source
sound source; sound generator; tone generator
source of power
energy source
source (of a transmission, broadcast, etc.); point of origin
source of funds; resources; finances
source of funds (money)
source of supply
source of infection
source of nutrients
source of protein; protein source
source of protein; protein source
strategic base
(a) source of law
substance of a sin; source of a sin
source (for a news article, etc.)
source (of a river); fountainhead; (arch.) source; (arch.) origin; (arch.) rise
source of pollution
tax source; source of taxation revenue; taxable item
bee plant; honey plant
positional light source
radio source
origin of a character; composition of a Chinese character; Chinese character from which a kana character is derived
thermal spring source; onsen source
source of misfortune
supply source
ingredient (of a traditional Chinese medicine)
ambient light source
source item
source of radiation; radiation source
carbon sink; carbon dioxide sink; CO2 sink
ignition source
carbon sink; carbon dioxide sink; CO2 sink
Examples (2 in total)
This is an excellent source of fibre.
He argues that the administration must look for alternative sources of revenue.