1. circumference; girth
2. tour; pilgrimage
3. circulation (e.g. of blood)
Kanji used
go around
Pitch accent
Top 17600
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
to meet fortuitously (e.g. running into an old friend); to meet by chance; to happen across
to meet fortuitously (e.g. running into an old friend); to meet by chance; to happen across
going around in circles; circling a temple; roll-call vote
circulation of the blood; apprehension
to meet fortuitously (e.g. running into an old friend); to meet by chance; to happen across
a round; a turn; going around; first anniversary of a person's death
to meet fortuitously (e.g. running into an old friend); to meet by chance; to happen across
to walk around; to travel around
a round; a turn; going around; first anniversary of a person's death
chance meeting; fortuitous encounter
visiting multiple hot springs; onsen tour
visiting multiple hot springs; onsen tour
going around in circles; circling a temple; roll-call vote
visiting gardens; going around gardens
art studio visits
Examples (2 in total)
I'm going to make a tour of Kyushu this summer.
He conducted us on a tour around the lake.