1. order
2. item (of a budget revision, etc.)
3. counter for go pieces; counter for surrounded positions (in go)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (142 in total)
the nine principal points in a game of go
purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention
goal; target; aim; mark; sign; landmark
looking for a sexual rather than serious relationship
notice; attention; observation
(public) notice; attention; public eye; public gaze
before one's very eyes; under one's nose; imminence; close at hand
name; title; appellation; (under the) pretext (of); pretense
item; heading; category; headword (in a dictionary, encyclopedia, etc.); entry
(school) subject; curriculum; course; item; heading; entry
face; honour; honor; appearance; look
item; event
eyesight; seeing
catalogue; catalog; inventory; certificate indicating an impending gift
chief; head; leader
aim; goal; prospect; outlook
all eyes; public attention
rough estimate; rough calculation; expectation; anticipation; plan
nodding; greeting (with eyes)
name of a piece of music; (musical) number; (musical) program; programme; selection (of music)
half a point (esp. in go)
attention; giving one's attention; focusing
item; commodity; list of articles
table of contents; contents
enmity; antagonism; hostility
particulars; details; specified items
look; glance; stone (in the game of go)
book title; heading; topic; subject; Nichiren Buddhist chant
main point; main object; chief purpose; core; gist; essence
tenmoku; ceramics (esp. tea bowls) with a dark glaze that resembles oil spotting; tenmoku tea-bowl; dark-glazed conical tea-bowl of Chinese origin
mixture of ingredients (originally five); mixture of minced vegetables, fish, and meat, mixed in a starch (rice, noodles); gomoku (game); five in a row
syllabus; main items
bystander's vantage point; outsider's better grasp of the situation; onlookers see more of the game than the players do; (lit.) people watching a game of go see 8 moves further ahead
(types of) virtue
as far as the eye can see
article; clause; stipulation
land classification
main point and details
(feudal era) law code
Primates (order of mammals)
catalogue of books; catalog of books
3-4 point (in go); komoku
ceremony for appointing officials other than ministers (from the Heian period)
Crocodilia; Crocodylia; order comprising the crocodilians
Passeriformes; order of passerine birds
being in the center of attention again; coming back into the limelight
item of expenditure
Rodentia; order comprising the rodents
Perciformes (order of perch and perch-like fish)
many eyes
entry heading; access point
Artiodactyla; order comprising the even-toed ungulates
Squamata (order of scaled reptiles, sometimes esp. the Sauria or Lacertilia)
Lagomorpha; order comprising the rabbits, hares and pikas
Caudata; Urodela; order comprising the salamanders
Blattodea; order comprising the cockroaches
4-5 point (in go); takamoku
Malvales; order of plants
Coleoptera (the order of insects containing beetles)
elementary item
one's special subject; specialized subject; major
Pinales (order of plants)
Stomiiformes (order of deep-sea ray-finned fishes)
Lagomorpha; order of rabbits, hares and pikas
Sapindales; order of flowering plants
Anura; order comprising the frogs and toads
Anura; order comprising frogs and toads
Cypriniformes; order of ray-finned fish
eye-to-eye communication
items of taxation
Taxales (order of plants)
Ginkgoales (order of plants)
Urticales (order of plants)
Ebenales (order of plants)
Ranunculales (order of plants)
Juglandales (order of plants)
Rhamnales (order of plants)
Scrophulariales (order of plants)
Apiales (order of plants)
Cycadales (order of plants)
Ericales (order of plants)
Theales (order of plants)
Celastrales; order of plants
Rosales (order of plants)
Cupressales (order of plants)
Myrtales (order of plants)
Lamiales (order of plants)
aspiration; self aim; personal goal
Trichoptera (the order of insects comprising the caddisflies)
Hemiptera; true bugs
Neuroptera; order of insects with four membranous wings
Protura (order of wingless insects)
Galliformes; galliform order of birds
Anseriformes (order of swimming birds)
Guttiferales (plant order)
Columbiformes; order of birds comprising pigeons and doves
Chiroptera; order comprising the bats
Erinaceomorpha; order comprising the hedgehogs and the moonrats
Triconodonta; Eutriconodonta; order of early mammals
Pelycosauria (order of primitive synapsids, now considered to be paraphyletic)
Therapsida (order of advanced synapsids)
Morganucodonta; extinct order of early mammals or mammal-like creatures
Creodonta; extinct order of mammals
Cimolesta; extinct order of mammals
Mesonychia; extinct order of carnivorous even-toed ungulates
Condylarthra; extinct order of mammals
Monotremata (order of egg-laying mammals)
Soricomorpha; order of shrews, moles, etc.
Tricoplaciformes; order of multicellular invertebrates
Actiniaria; order comprising the sea anemones
Sphenodontia; order of the tuatara
Gorgonacea; order comprising the sea whips
Struthioniformes; order comprising the ratites (sometimes spec. only the ostriches)
Sphenisciformes; order comprising the penguins
Bromeliales; order of flowering plants
Fabales; order of flowering plants
Boletales; order of mushrooms
Charadriiformes; order of birds
Rodentia; order comprising the rodents
Stephanoberyciformes; Cetomimiformes; order of fishes containing the whalefishes
Beryciformes; order of fishes containing the alfonsinos, squirrelfishes, etc.
Stephanoberyciformes; order of fishes containing the pricklefishes
Thysanura; order of insects
Comatulida (order of crinoids); feather stars