1. China
usu. used in compounds
2. Han dynasty (China, 202 BCE-220 CE)
3. Han (majority Chinese ethnic group)
4. man
often negative nuance
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (72 in total)
absurdity; contradiction; incoherence; irrelevance
molester; groper; masher; pervert
Kanji to English (dictionary)
ruffian; villain; scoundrel
Chinese classical writing; Chinese classics; writing composed entirely of kanji
Chinese book; Chinese classics
great eater; glutton
kan-on; Han reading; on reading of a kanji based on Tang dynasty Chinese
kanji; Chinese character
Milky Way
mean bastard; sneak; heel; despicable person
the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning
cold-blooded person; heartless; coldhearted person
Sinologist; scholar of the Chinese classics
shameless man; knave
Shu Han; Shu; kingdom in China during the Three Kingdoms era (221-263)
prosaic person; person of an unromantic turn of mind; philistine
hoodlum; ruffian
outsider; layman; amateur
Later Han dynasty (China, 25-220 CE); Eastern Han dynasty; Later Han dynasty (China, 947-950 CE)
Chinese poem; Chinese poetry
Han dynasty (China, 202 BCE-220 CE)
hot-blooded man
Japanese word of Chinese origin; Sino-Japanese word; (ancient) Chinese language
fine fellow
just person; man of justice; righteous person; upright person
Manchu-Han Imperial Feast; three-day feast of Chinese delicacies held during the Qing dynasty
Sinology; study of China or of the Chinese classics
Chinese person (esp. Han Chinese)
Japanese-Chinese; Japan and China
Former Han dynasty (China, 206 BCE-9 CE); Western Han dynasty
Chinese people; Han race
Chinese numerals; kanji numerals
translation into (classical) Chinese; translation into kanbun; kango translation; translation into Japanese using kanji
Chinese name (often of plants and animals)
villain; outlaw; assassin
Chinese book; book written in Chinese
lye water (for making Chinese noodles)
lye water (for making Chinese noodles)
Han dynasty (China, 202 BCE-220 CE)
Chinese classical literature; Chinese classics
suspicious man
dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds; kanji dictionary
man of principle
traditional Chinese clothing
Milky Way
Han race; Han people
crook; swindler
Chinese traitor (esp. a collaborator with the Japanese)
Han dynasty (China, 202 BCE-220 CE)
China and Japan; Chinese and Japanese (languages); dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds; kanji dictionary
Western Han dynasty (of China; 206 BCE-9 CE); Former Han dynasty
pleasant fellow
Chinese medicine; herbal medicine
Japanese pronunciation of a kanji (based on adopted Chinese pronunciations)
direct kanji input (as opposed to kana-kanji conversion)
the three Wuhan Cities
unfeeling or callous person
Han-dynasty Confucian scholar; Chinese Confucian scholar; Japanese Confucianist; Japanese sinologist
kanji dictionary with English definitions
Vietnamese reading (of Chinese characters)
Sino-Tibetan (languages)
kanji printer
Qing-dynasty system assigning equal numbers of Manchurians and Han Chinese to central government agencies
dictionary of kanbun grammar and usage
kanbun grammar
Chinese surname; Chinese family name
Sino-Vietnamese word; Vietnamese word of Chinese origin