1. pain; anguish; suffering; distress; anxiety; worry; trouble; difficulty; hardship
2. duhkha (suffering)
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (58 in total)
desperation measure
trouble; hardship; difficulty; anxiety; worry; concern
suffering; distress; hardship; trial
pains; hard work; effort; trouble; labour; labor
hardship; toil; trouble
candid advice; frank advice; honest opinion; exhortation; harsh but honest advice
complaint; troubles; objection; grievance
to worry
penance; austerities; mortification; asceticism
hard fight; close game; struggle; tight contest
bitter experience (ordeal)
labor; labour; toil; hardship
torture; pains (of hell)
to be bothered (by something); to suffer
difficult situation; adverse circumstances; predicament; trouble; dilemma; distress
easily; without effort
laborious composition; struggling to compose a poem
karmic suffering
working one's way through school; earning one's own school fees; studying under adversity; studying in harsh economic circumstances
pain; agony; bitterness
intense heat
toil; drudgery; penal servitude; imprisonment (with hard labour)
intense suffering
anguish; (great) pain
pleasure and pain; joys and sorrows
terrible pain; terrible hardship; terrible suffering
hardships of poverty; serious poverty
bitterness; bitter taste
self-supporting student; working student
unremitting effort; dogged perseverance; unswerving loyalty
pain of sickness
life's struggles
triple handicap (esp. blindness, deafness and mutism)
to worry; to suffer
suffering pain; experiencing hardship
pain of being in debt
double torture; double pain; double hardship; double whammy
human suffering
many hardships
hardship and misfortune
inevitability of death (one of the four kinds of suffering); death pains; agony of death
the pain of separation from loved ones
the four kinds of suffering (birth, old age, disease, death)
after pleasure comes pain; there is no pleasure without pain; there is no rose without a thorn; take the good with the bad
magnesia; magnesium oxide
agony of separation
bitter tea; low-quality tea
no pain, no gain; no cross, no crown
suffering caused by the cold
coldest time of the year; bitter suffering
filled with numerous sufferings
one cannot have pleasure without pain; no pain, no gain
there's no pain without pleasure, and there's no pleasure without pain
numerous sufferings; suffering of many people
numerous sufferings; suffering of many people
numerous sufferings; various kinds of suffering
Examples (1 in total)
Life is hard.