1. not necessarily so; is not always true
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Examples (45 in total)
You can't always win.
Not everyone is dishonest.
Not every bird can sing.
All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.
Wealth does not always bring us happiness.
Not everybody can be a poet.
The law is not always fair.
Not all animals are wild.
My mother doesn't always get up early.
The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable.
Everyone is not honest.
Not all the infectious diseases are contagious.
Spring days are not always warm.
Money does not always bring happiness.
You can't always do what you want.
Our teacher is not always kind to us.
He does not come here every day.
Not every horse can run fast.
They don't always obey their parents.
Not every truth can be told all the time.
To make mistakes is not always wrong.
You can't always get what you want.
Human beings are not always wiser than animals.
The same cause does not always give rise to the same effect.
My father is not always free on Sunday.
Not all children like apples.
This answer may not necessarily be wrong.
The poor are not always unhappy.
Honesty is not always the best policy.
Work doesn't always begin at nine.
Theory and practice do not always go together.
The statement is not wholly true.
The bus doesn't always come on time.
Stock investments do not always yield profit.
Natural food is not always good for our digestion.
He is not always in the office in the morning.
These days, the motives for marriage are not necessarily pure.
This rule cannot be applied in every case.
Just because there aren't any complaints, doesn't necessarily mean your customers are content.
The writer does not always present life as it is.
It seems that our sense of direction is not always reliable.
Advances in science don't always benefit humanity.
It is not always easy to make a good joke.
What a dictionary says is not always right.
Scientific discoveries don't always make the world a better place.