1. hiding; concealing; being hidden; being concealed
2. pocket
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
something used to cover the eyes; blindfold; blinder; concealing one's home such that the interior cannot be seen from outside
secret; secrecy
hiding one's embarrassment
secret; secrecy
hidden room; secret chamber
mysterious disappearance; being spirited away
cache; place to hide something
subtle seasoning that brings out the flavor; secret ingredient
taking a picture secretly; taking a sneak shot; making a secret video recording; filming without someone's knowledge
secrecy; keeping secret
hiding at all costs; desperate cover-up; doing one's best to keep (something) secret
hidden camera; spy camera
one's party piece; parlor trick; hidden talent
hairdo covering the ears
secret bank account; secret account
Easter egg; hidden feature
concealed microphone; bug
bride's head-dress
nail hider; nailhead cover; decorative object which conceals the head of a nail
hidden command
income concealment; (income) tax evasion
secret drawer; hidden drawer
secret language; argot
padding, armour, etc. covering the testicles; mantle or hood on a urinal, squat-toilet, etc.
hidden attribute
making a secret audio recording
hiding one's mistakes (or wrongdoings, etc.); back pocket
standing panel used in Kansai-area rakugo to hide the performer's legs from view; (lit.) knee-hider
rove beetle
concealed nail
concealed seams
secret resources
fascia board; facia board
pent roof built atop the stairs of a shrine or a building in a classic aristocratic villa
classical Japanese poetry hiding the theme name in consecutive morae
secret mistress
secret mistress
secret (male) lover