1. remaining; left-over; excess
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
deplorable; regrettable; disappointing; vexing; unfortunate
earth dug out of a construction site
cruel; brutal; ruthless; merciless; inhuman
cruel; merciless; pitiful; tragic; breaking a religious precept without shame
overtime (work)
lingering cold (even after the beginning of spring); lingering winter
remnants; survivors; refugees; pocket (of resistance)
afterimage; imprint
staying behind; remaining; residual
remaining quantity; residual quantity
late summer heat; lingering summer heat
remaining bullets; remaining ammunition
(bank) balance; remainder
continued alertness; unrelaxed alertness; follow-through (e.g. in archery); lingering affection; attachment
survival after defeat; decline (of a person, business, etc.); ruin
remaining money
remnants of an enemy army
remaining lives
remainder; the rest; residue
moon visible in the morning
remaining amount; balance (of an account)
urine remaining in the bladder after urination
left on base; remnant fort
unpaid overtime
remainder; the rest
remnant; scraps; leftovers
lingering scent
remaining seats (on plane, bus, etc.)
vestige; scar
remaining material; left-over material
fragment (e.g. of works); incomplete set; incomplete state
lingering heat (in autumn); remaining flame
the remainder of one's life
kitchen waste; vegetable scraps
submersible pressure gauge (diving); SPG
unsold apartment (usu. newly built); remaining apartments (unsold)
sensation of incomplete evacuation (of stool); feeling of incomplete bowel movement; feeling of constipation
balance of margin transaction; balance (of a stock) bought on margin
remaining task; remaining duty; remainder of one's term of office; remaining tenure