1. central; main; head; chief
Usually written in kana
2. just (done); freshly (baked); indicates activity only just occurred
after -masu stem of verb
3. counter for consecutive losses
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (68 in total)
face; official stance; public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts); ceremony for the erection of the framework of a house
milestone; stone signpost; standing stone (e.g. in garden); menhir
fresh made; freshly baked; freshly roasted
advancing money; temporary payment for someone else; payment on behalf of another party, with the expectation of being reimbursed later
succession; continuation; series; sequence
choice; selection; diagnosis; medical opinion; judgement; opinion
tailoring; dressmaking; sewing; making; preparation
just made; fresh (from the oven); newly-built (house)
construction; framework; erection; assembly; organization; organisation
collection (e.g. of a debt); dunning; selection (for a position); exceptional promotion; fresh; freshly picked
leading actor; star; leading figure; central figure; key figure
revamping; reshaping; rearranging; reorganizing
photo frame (with stand)
bulletin board; notice board; billboard; roadside sign; sign on a post, usu. wooden, esp. containing information about a sight, warning, congratulations, etc.
freshly fried
fitting (e.g. door, window); fit; succession; continuation; series
shutting oneself in (one's room, etc.); barricading oneself in (a fort, etc.) while being besieged; holing up (in a building)
standing signboard; billboard; hoarding
freshly washed
freshly squeezed (juice); freshly milked; freshly extracted
fluency; volubility
sitting with one knee drawn up
eggbeater; whisk
freshly-grated (e.g. daikon)
umbrella stand
portable brush-and-ink case; quiver (archery)
pen holder; desk tidy
tea-ceremony procedures
right after coming out; just graduated
candle holder
brand-new (clothing, shoes)
freshly painted
pen or brush stand
setting (of a saw)
vase; vase for floral offerings
brand new
auctioning off; selling off
just sharpened
incense holder; incense burner
stopping place for horse-drawn carriages and rickshaws (Edo period); high way resting place; wholesale rag dealer
freshly cut; freshly tailored; tree cut to specified length, especially for corners of a kemari court
chopstick stand; weaning ceremony
dispatch; sending
leading actor; leading figure; leader
test tube stand
favor; favour; patronage; support; backing; recommendation
you can't control what people say; you can't stop rumours (rumors)
mirror stand
leading actor; protagonist
head referee
building rice-field ridges
placket (clothing); facing
just off the press
fish trap; set net
freshly-drawn (tea)
cubic tsubo (approx. 6 cubic metres)
especially; particularly; wholeheartedly
thanksgiving rice dish after childbirth
slotter (machine tool)
Examples (1 in total)
They sell us freshly caught fish in the early morning market.