1. shop; store; restaurant
usu. 屋
2. somebody who sells (something) or works as (something)
usu. 屋, can be derog.
3. somebody with a (certain) personality trait
usu. 屋
4. house
usu. 家
5. roof
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 1200
Used in vocabulary (454 in total)
residence; estate; grounds; premises; mansion
hut; cabin; small theatre (theater); temporary playhouse; one's own house
cart (esp. a food cart); stall; festival float; portable shrine dedicated to a god and shaped like a house; stage prop fashioned after a large building; framework (of a house, etc.)
professional killer; hit man
bookstore; bookshop; publisher; main building
tenement house; row house
jail; gaol; jailhouse
bakery; baker; pastry shop
small room; closet; cubicle; booth; stall
florist; flower shop
main building (of a manor); central room (of a house)
hidden room; secret chamber
pharmacy; drugstore; chemist's (shop); pharmacist; druggist; chemist
smith; blacksmith
wholesale store; wholesale dealer; wholesaler
dressing room; green room; backstage; behind the scenes; the inside; inside affairs
teahouse; (Edo period) rest stop; (geisha) teahouse; establishment where patrons are entertained by geisha; tea house (that sells tea); tea dealer
general store
butcher's shop; butcher; meat shop
ramen restaurant; noodle restaurant
secondhand bookshop; secondhand bookstore; secondhand bookseller
available room (hotel); vacancy; room to let
small-time candy store
real estate agent; realtor
large room; green room; waiting room for performers when off stage; junior actor; actor of small parts; large hospital room (for several patients)
cake shop; pastry shop
bar; saloon; pub; tavern; drinking establishment
child's room; nursery
arbor; arbour; bower; summer house; square gazebo
second-hand shop; curio shop
mansion; palace; (arch.) nobleman; (arch.) noblewoman; (arch.) cabin (on a boat, carriage, etc.)
sushi shop; sushi restaurant; sushi bar
greengrocer; fruit and vegetable shop
courier; smuggler; carrier (e.g. of illegal drugs); trafficker
shy; a very shy person
fish market; fish dealer; fishmonger
funeral parlor (parlour); funeral home; undertaker's; undertaker; mortician; funeral director
lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness
handyman; utility man; odd-job man
barbershop; barber shop; barber
bungalow; one-story house
single room; own room
public bathhouse; bathhouse proprietor
restaurant with only set meals
village headman (esp. in the Kansai region)
public bathhouse; building with a bath (esp. in a shrine or temple)
tailor; dressmaker
second hand clothes shop; somebody who sells second hand clothes
cavern; grotto
tailor; dressmaker
rice shop; rice dealer
sharing a room; dormitory room; match between wrestlers from the same stable
soba restaurant
eating house; restaurant that serves simple food
soba restaurant
shoe store; shoe shop; shoemaker
Japanese-style confectionary store
name of store; trade name (esp. of a sole proprietorship); stage name (e.g. of actor)
souvenir store; gift shop
townhouse (i.e. house in the middle of a town); traditional townhouse; tradesman's house (esp. a home with a shop in front); merchant's house; merchant's family
tofu seller (maker)
fruit store; fruit dealer; fruit seller; fruiterer; fruiteress
double room; room shared by two people; shared room
temple elementary school (during the Edo period)
kimono fabrics shop; draper
ironist; sarcastic person; sharp tongue; satirist
forwarding agency; express company
small attached annex; lean-to
small attached annex; lean-to
small attached annex; lean-to
confectionery shop; candy store; sweet shop
tailor's (shop); dressmaker's shop; tailor; dressmaker
hat shop; hat store; hatter; hatmaker
watch store; watch dealer
old house; deserted house
photo studio; photographer; camera shop; photography supplies shop; photo processing shop; photo finishing shop
(geisha) teahouse; establishment where patrons are entertained by geisha
pachinko parlor; pachinko hall
electric appliance store; electrician
sedan chair bearer; palanquin bearer; sedan chair business
small restaurant; eating house
walk-in closet; wardrobe room; dressing room; costume room
tea-ceremony arbor; tea-ceremony arbour
cleaner; janitor; (arch.) night soil gatherer
storage room; store room; lumber room
engineer; technician
cleaner; dry-cleaner's
eatery; restaurant
eating house; restaurant that serves simple food
laundry; laundromat; launderette
stationery shop; a stationer
sentry box; guardhouse; guard lodge; (Edo period) police box
yakiniku restaurant
postman; mailman; letter carrier; mail carrier
oden vendor
newspaper stand; newspaper seller; paper carrier; newspaper reporter
stone dealer
furniture store; furniture dealer
hardware store or dealer
pizzeria; pizza parlor (parlour); pizza place
demolition contractor; wrecker; scrapyard; junkyard; auto wrecker
dilapidated house; tumbledown house; my house; my home; small resting place comprising four pillars and a roof (with no walls)
store; shop
easygoing person
painter (of buildings, etc.)
one-hit wonder; flash in the pan; all-or-nothing gambler; one-shot speculator; slugger; home-run batter
adjoining rooms
child's room; nursery
structure for housing heavy machinery
stable; barn
politician (esp. one who works only for their own personal gain)
repair workshop; garage; repairman
bucket maker; well maker; cooper; hooper
okonomiyaki restaurant
temporary residence or shelter
inn; tavern; Edo period lodging for travellers
warmonger; warmaker
jeweler; (arch.) soap bubble vendor
karaoke club (bar)
haberdashery; sundries store
land shark; land speculator
someone who battles on in difficult circumstances
shooting gallery
sushi shop; sushi restaurant; sushi bar
grocery store; dealer in dried goods
small car dealership; auto repair shop selling cars; wheelwright; cartwright; rickshawman; rickshaw station
removalist; mover
bicycle shop; bicycle dealer
purificatory font at shrines and temples; kitchen; cupboard; room adjacent to a tea ceremony room, where utensils are washed; vendor of drinking water; building for taking refuge during a flood
street racer
rice cake shop keeper; rice cake store (shop)
general merchant; Jack of all trades
oil dealer; oil merchant
landlord; landlady
candy shop; candy maker
trader who provides cash to debtors by getting them to make expensive credit card purchases and then buying the purchases at a fraction of the price
barber; barbershop; barber shop
debt collector; bill collector; repo man
extortionist that threatens to disrupt stock-holder meetings; sokaiya
dumpling store; dumpling seller
bamboo dealer; person selling bamboo or articles made of bamboo; house made of bamboo
paper store; paper merchant; paper seller; papermaking; papermaker
bird dealer; poulterer
scrap dealer; junk shop; junkman; electronics dealer
take-out (food)
ragman; junkman; garbage man
rooftop structure, e.g. tower, elevator machine room, etc.
bookmaker; taker of bets; ringman; bookie
waiting room; duty room; standby room
lucky person; someone who made a lot of money (e.g. gambling or on the stock market); skilled batter; batter on a hot streak; accident faker; someone who jumps in front of cars on purpose to extort money
thrifty person
thatched cottage; hovel; my humble cottage
bedroom (esp. one used by a married couple); sleeping quarters; inner room; room at the back of the house
general merchant; Jack of all trades
matmaker; mat dealer
fixer; dispute resolution specialist
room for female servants; room where there are women; jail for women
insurance man
ragman; junkman; garbage man
single room; own room
newspaper reporter
room for menservants
public bathhouse
tent; tabernacle; small curtain-enclosed area (off a stage); Makuya (Original Gospel Movement of Japan)
delicatessen; deli
eel restaurant
stall-keeper (esp. at a festival); street vendor; huckster; faker; hawker; seller of unreliable merchandise
box maker; man who carries a geisha's shamisen
flour dealer; miller; mill
goldfish seller (vendor)
eel restaurant
ice man; ice shop
drinking establishment where one drinks while standing
souvenir shop
wrestlers from the same stable
main building (of a manor); central room (of a house)
general (civil engineering and construction) contractor
snob; affected person
video store
money-exchange shop
receiver's shop; pawnshop which knowingly buys stolen goods
brushmaker (calligraphy); brush seller
record shop
bossy person; self-appointed manager; bossyboots
two-storey house; two-story house
glazier; glass shop
simple and inexpensive restaurant; diner
detached house; single house; single building; isolated house; house in isolated location
tiled roof; tile-roofed house; tile maker; tile dealer; tile kiln
employment agency
clog shop; geta shop
person who tends to find things bothersome; person who doesn't like to make an effort
mosquito net
store that has been gone out of business; household that lives without carrying on a business
shingle roof; house with a shingle roof
joiner; carpenter; cabinetmaker
commuter train packer
different room; another room; separate rooms
sushi shop; sushi restaurant; sushi bar
notary public; scribe; amanuensis
obstinate person; blockhead
camera shop; camera store
butcher specializing in beef; dealer in beef; beef-hotpot restaurant
eating house; restaurant that serves simple food
bashful person; very shy person
row of houses; each house; every house; every door
stall-keeper (esp. at a festival); street vendor; huckster; faker; hawker; seller of unreliable merchandise
black marketeer; black market trader
dyer; dye house
bedroom; sleeping room
scalper; ticket tout
reseller; scalper
apothecary; druggist; chemist; pharmacy; drugstore
broker; employment agency
jack-of-all-trades; all-rounder; generalist; general merchant; general store
seller of high-quality sake; (Meiji or Taisho era) brothel
pet store
roofer; thatcher
tipster (in horse racing, etc.); dopester; tout
scroll mounter; picture framer
store selling boiled vegetables, fish, and beans
removalist; mover
shop selling picture books, wood prints, etc.
office worker; clerk
room in Edo castle where the shogun's council of elders attended to governmental affairs
thatched hut
traditional Japanese band of sandwich board advertisers
lavatory; dressing room
mausoleum; (temporary) resting place of a corpse
bar; saloon; pub; tavern; drinking establishment
someone who battles on in difficult circumstances
sweet potato shop; sweet potato seller
loan shark who specializes in refinancing debts
umbrella shop
person who sells left-over gifts received by the shogun or daimyo, etc. (Edo period)
sweet potato shop; sweet potato seller
run-down shabby house; (arch.) rag and scrap merchant
lucky person; someone who made a lot of money (e.g. gambling or on the stock market); skilled batter; batter on a hot streak; accident faker; someone who jumps in front of cars on purpose to extort money
glazier; glass shop
fabric store; draper; dry-goods store
basket maker
row of houses; each house; every house; every door
souvenir store; gift shop
shiruko shop; sweet red-bean soup shop
thrifty person; stingy person; tight-fisted person
souvenir store; gift shop
dyer; dye house
fastidious person; fussy person; faultfinder; nitpicker; stickler
bookmaker; bookie; trader performing (stock market) bucketing; bucket shop
brothel; bordello; whorehouse; cathouse
arbor; arbour; bower; summer house; square gazebo
a tinker; tinkerer
shop selling picture books, wood prints, etc.
cowshed; cow farmer; restaurant specializing in beef dishes; store (butcher, etc.) that sells beef
cowshed; cow farmer; restaurant specializing in beef dishes; store (butcher, etc.) that sells beef
dry-goods store
steak house
fly-by-night arranger; person who helps others flee creditors
(geisha) teahouse; establishment where patrons are entertained by geisha
person who tends to find things bothersome; person who doesn't like to make an effort
expulsion room; banishment room; boredom room; rooms where employees who cannot be fired are sent to encourage resignation
pachinko parlor
pickle store; pickle shop; pickle dealer
rush-thatched house
superstitious person; practical joker; peddler; itinerant salesman
croquette vendor
easygoing person
chandler; candlemaker
arrogant person; overbearing person; self-important person; braggart; boaster
vegetable shop; greengrocery; seller of vegetables
tea-ceremony arbor; tea-ceremony arbour
shed; shelter; terminal (e.g. cargo, airport, etc.); temporary covering of a building being built
scoop-getting freelance journalist
freeloader; scrounger; sponger; mooch
concession hunter; profiteer
shoe store; shoe shop; shoemaker
trader who provides cash to debtors by getting them to make expensive credit card purchases and then buying the purchases at a fraction of the price
indigo dyer
chanko restaurant
ticket reseller; shop where one can buy and sell gift certificates, coupons, travel and concert tickets, etc.
shop that handles Western goods (esp. Western-style apparel and accessories)
a tinker; tinkerer
person who lives an extravagant lifestyle
person who gathers night soil
mahjong parlour; mahjong parlor
kimono shop; kimono store
beauty salon; hair dresser
person who is hard to please; grouch; complainer; whiner
sheet metal worker
beef-hotpot restaurant
house for rent
sweet potato shop; sweet potato seller
shiruko shop; sweet red-bean soup shop
paperer; picture framer
cart (esp. a food cart); stall; festival float; portable shrine dedicated to a god and shaped like a house; stage prop fashioned after a large building; framework (of a house, etc.)
jail; gaol; prison
every man knows his own business best; one should go to specialists for the best results; (lit.) for rice cakes, (go to) the rice cake shop
high-class Edo-period pleasure house (where outside prostitutes were hired to entertained guests)
jack-of-all-trades; all-rounder; generalist; general merchant; general store
moody person; temperamental person; fickle person
miser; grasping fellow
souvenir shop
chandler; candlemaker
side house (to the east, west, or north of a main residence; home to women, children and servants)
labor camp; labour camp; low-quality accommodation for laborers
someone who feels the cold; someone sensitive to cold
a printer's; a printer
house for rent
every man knows his own business best; one should go to specialists for the best results; (lit.) for rice cakes, (go to) the rice cake shop
superstitious person; practical joker; peddler; itinerant salesman
person who lives an extravagant lifestyle
alley house; rear tenement; slum
moody person; temperamental person; fickle person
servants' quarters; room for servants
cylindrical box shop
sophist; quibbler
one skilled at obtaining publicity
ornate hairpin store
hanafuda maker; Nintendo
snoop; meddler; nosey parker; buttinsky; kibbitzer
trader who provides cash to debtors by getting them to make expensive credit card purchases and then buying the purchases at a fraction of the price
sweet potato shop; sweet potato seller
chandler; candlemaker
mahjong parlour; mahjong parlor
people or companies that forcefully and illegally expel defaulting tenants from their lodgings
show-off; limelighter; attention seeker
illegal bookie; unlicensed bookmaker
tightwad; miser
fashionable person; dandy; flashy dresser; fop
long hitter (golf, baseball, etc.); fast driver
a prim person
lacquer shop; lacquerer
brothel fronting as a tea house, inn, restaurant, etc.
vacant house; unoccupied house
pachinko parlor; pachinko hall
drinking establishment where one drinks while standing
run-down shabby house; (arch.) rag and scrap merchant
bashful person; very shy person
ragman; garbage man
thrifty person; stingy person; tight-fisted person
restaurant specializing in fried beef or pork offal
professional relationship ender
dilapidated house; tumbledown house; hovel; miserable shack
grump; heat merchant
pharmacy; drugstore; chemist's (shop); pharmacist; druggist; chemist
child's room; nursery
village headman (esp. in the Kansai region)
store that has been gone out of business; household that lives without carrying on a business
newspaper reporter
drinking establishment where one drinks while standing
drinking establishment where one drinks while standing
perfectionist; enthusiast; zealot
black marketeer; black market trader
chandler; candlemaker
scalper; ticket tout
mausoleum; (temporary) resting place of a corpse
bookmaker; bookie; trader performing (stock market) bucketing; bucket shop
person who gathers night soil
freeloader; scrounger; sponger; mooch
yarn seller
hut where a fire was kept to keep deer, wild boars, etc. away from fields; hut where a mosquito-repelling fire was kept
hut where a fire was kept to keep deer, wild boars, etc. away from fields; hut where a mosquito-repelling fire was kept
hut where a fire was kept to keep deer, wild boars, etc. away from fields; hut where a mosquito-repelling fire was kept
moody person; temperamental person; fickle person
labor camp; labour camp; low-quality accommodation for laborers
home in which a woman stays during her period (or while giving birth); period; menstruation; menses
snoop; meddler; nosey parker; buttinsky; kibbitzer
cylindrical box shop
cylindrical box shop
ornate hairpin store
snoop; meddler; nosey parker; buttinsky; kibbitzer
maternity room; delivery room
grump; heat merchant
dry-goods store
ragman; garbage man; garbage collector
confidence man; con man; company (or person) carrying out credit fraud
confidence man; con man; company (or person) carrying out credit fraud
store that sells remaindered book or magazines
tipster; dopester; tout
person who gathers night soil
store that has been gone out of business; household that lives without carrying on a business
place to store a body in a coffin before burial (Okinawa)
ragman; garbage man; garbage collector
(house with a) gabled roof
Edo-era meat vendor (esp. of large game, e.g. deer, boar); butcher
Edo-era meat vendor (esp. of large game, e.g. deer, boar); butcher
caterer in a red-light district
Ashiya Station (JR West)
Araya Station (Akita)
Shioya Station (Hyōgo)
Examples (15 in total)
Do you want to go to a coffee shop?
The pipe shop is across the street.
Which ice cream shop are you going to?