1. territory (of country, feudal domain, etc.)
2. counter for suits of clothing, sets of armor, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (64 in total)
round collar (of traditional Japanese clothing)
area; domain; territory; field; range; region
characteristic quality; special character; one's function; one's duty; fief; inherited estate
possession; dependency; territory; dominion
dominion; territory; possession
(within a) territory; domains
receipt (of a letter, money, etc.); acceptance; receiving
possession (esp. of a territory)
temple's territory; temple's estate
French possession; French territory
round collar (of traditional Japanese clothing)
point; gist; essentials; knack; trick; the ropes
director of a district (ritsuryo system)
British territory (possession)
Dutch territory; Dutch possession
feudal lord
territory; dominion; grounds (e.g. school)
population of a fief
head; chief; boss; leader
head; chief; boss
another fief
territory; domain; dominion; possession; sphere of action
(person in) control
receiving (from a superior); bestowed
self-governing dominion
eldest child; oldest child; child who carries on the family name; (arch.) pre-ritsuryo official established in key provinces, responsible for administration of his home and surrounding provinces; (arch.) head of a warrior clan (Kamakura period)
duchy; dukedom; principality
territorial airspace
general plan; main points; summary; platform (e.g. for a campaign); mission statement
territorial right; dominion
imperial lands; shogun's demesne
director of a district (ritsuryo system)
area; domain; territory; field; range
land under the control of the imperial household or the shogunate
land owned by a Shinto shrine
small territory; assistant director of a district (ritsuryo system)
Japanese territory
private land; park
understanding; comprehending
understanding; theft
territorial waters
provincial governorate (beginning in the late Heian period)
square-shaped collar (of some traditional Japanese clothing)
area distribution
collar; neck
land received in compensation for one's service; land given by a lord to a vassal for his service
union territory (e.g. in India); federal territory
Examples (1 in total)
This island belonged to France in the 19th century.