1. Mt.; Mount
after the name of a mountain
2. (fig.) Mt.; (fig.) Mount
after a temple's honorific mountain name
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
five most important temples of a region
head temple; this temple
great mountain; large mountain
silver mine
mountain range; cluster of mountains; mountainous region
erupting volcano
the whole mountain; all the mountains
isolated mountain; departure from a temple
iron mine
another mountain; another temple
descending (mountain)
copper mine
high mountain; alpine mountain
scarecrow; figurehead; dummy
needle-point holder (in ikebana); frog
sacred mountain
gold mine
mountain range; Lian Shan (Xia period method of Chinese divination)
strategic point; crucial time; watershed; crunch
holy mountain; sacred hill
Mount Kōya (esp. Kongōbu-ji); southern mountain
rivers and mountains; landscape
the whole mountain
this mountain; this temple
three mountains; three shrines (of Kumano); three kingdoms (of 14th and 15th-century Okinawa)
famous mountain
line between victory and defeat
one's native place
outer rim of a crater
foothills; first range of mountains
many mountains and rivers; a great distance to travel
mountainous zone
Seizan sect (of Pure Land Buddhism)
taking up a new position as chief priest of a Buddhist temple
Lushan Conference (1959 meeting of the Communist Party of China to discuss the Great Leap Forward)
Chisan sect (of Shingi Shingon Buddhism); Chizan sect
Longshan culture (China, 3000-1900 BCE); Lung-shan culture; Black Pottery culture