1. simplicity; brevity
2. letter; note; correspondence
3. bamboo writing strip (in ancient China)
4. simplified Chinese character
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
simple; easy; uncomplicated; brief; quick; light
simplicity; convenience; easiness; quasi-
simple; easy; uncomplicated
simple; plain; modest
terse; concise; simple and clear
someone's letter
simple; easy; convenient; handy
conciseness; brevity; simplification
simple; brief
public lodging house; simple lodging (including pensions, private lodging and capsule hotels)
letter; note; epistle; correspondence
narrow, long, and thin pieces of wood strung together that were used to write on in ancient times
to be brief and to the point; to be succinct
simplified Chinese character
summary court; court of summary offences
short letter; brief note; (one's) letter
at one's discretion
your letter
complexity and simplicity
the Epistles (of the New Testament)
wooden tag
official letter (esp. in internal company corresp.); formal letter
General Epistles (James, Peter, Jude, John); Catholic Epistles; General Letters
simplified Chinese character
correspondence; received letter