1. inscription; epitaph
2. (manufacturer's) engraved signature
3. motto; maxim; precept
Kanji used
engraved inscription
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
deep impression
brand; make; description; trading name of stocks and securities
to engrave an inscription; to call (designate) itself; to mark; to label
favourite motto; pet saying
unsigned; without a signature
epitaph; inscription on a tombstone
to stamp; to engrave; to inscribe
meisen silk
famous brand of sake; choice sake
excellent sweet; confection of an established name
genuine autograph; genuine article
sword inscribed with the name of the swordsmith
keep in mind; take note of; remember
inscription; epitaph
to engrave an inscription
fine tea; brand-name tea; famous tea; choice tea; well-known brand of quality green tea
engraved with the name of the maker (e.g. on a sword)
favourite motto; pet saying
favourite motto; pet saying
inscription on stone monuments, metal receptacles, etc.; exergue; inscribing
name of the writer of a gravestone epitaph, engraved after the epitaph
nameplate; plaque
naming; christening
engraved with the name of the maker (e.g. on a sword)
excellent idea; great suggestion; excellent opinion
favourite motto; pet saying
name of a tea blend
each; individual