Verb (する)
1. to ask a question; to ask questions
Composed of
question; inquiry; enquiry
Examples (25 in total)
She asked me a question.
I asked him a question.
I asked a simple question.
Don't ask such hard questions.
You do ask a lot of questions.
Stop asking stupid questions.
He asked a very good question.
The girl asked her teacher a question.
It's rude of you to ask her that question.
He asked his teacher several questions.
Bob asked the teacher some questions.
He often asks silly questions.
He asked the same question of many people.
You can always ask a question in return.
I only asked you the question out of curiosity.
Miss Green asked two questions of me.
I understand why Tom asked that question.
Why all of a sudden did he ask me such a serious question?
He asked some questions of the lady standing next to him.
I ask these questions by way of finding out the cause of the accident.
Mr. Sato asked me many questions about the election.
Do you really need to ask the question to know the answer?
Kato asked him many questions about the United States.
His father had asked the same question the year he was fourteen.
Our teacher is patient with us even when we ask silly questions.