1. jūbako; multi-tiered food box
2. heavy
3. serious; extreme
4. -fold; -ply
counter for layers in the ichi-ni-san counting system
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (163 in total)
important; momentous; essential; principal; major
strict; severe; stringent; rigorous; rigid; firm
regarding as important; attaching importance to; taking a serious view of; putting emphasis on
(body) weight
important post; role with heavy responsibilities
heavy responsibility
superimposition; superposition
second edition; additional printing
serious; important; significant; grave; weighty
gravity; gravitation; gravitational pull
weight; heavyweight boxer
double; two-fold; diplo-; dipl-; double-edged eyelid; double eyelid
chief vassal; senior statesman
repeatedly; over and over again; fully (e.g. understand); very much; very well
load; heavy burden; encumbrance; heavy freight; heavy responsibility
strong pressure; heavy pressure
centre of gravity (center); centroid; barycenter; (one's) balance
leader; authority; mainstay
serious illness
multiple; multiplex
triple; treble; threefold; three-ply; triplicate
severe (injury, handicap, etc.); serious
felony; serious crime
heavy labor; heavy labour; hard work; hard labor (in prison); hard labour
heavy industry
important person; strategic person; key figure
thickheaded; slow-witted; phlegmatic; slow (of one's movements); sluggish
heavy machinery; heavy equipment; heavy machine gun
severely wounded person
appointing to a responsible post; making much of
duplication; repetition; overlapping; redundancy; restoration
serious condition; critical condition
important point; emphasis; iteration mark; colon (punctuation)
ninefold; imperial palace; the Court
specific gravity; relative density; relative importance; weight
very low frequency sound; heavy bass sound; low-register sound
heavy equipment; heavily equipped; heavily armed; heavily armored
thick and heavy
heavy machine gun
heavy weapons
serious illness
load; loading; weight (of a load)
multi-tiered food box
gravitational field
heavy taxation
weighting (in averaging); aggravation
heavy armament
large prize (e.g. in horse racing); generous reward
important matter; matters of weight
heavy artillery
five-storied; quintuplicate; fivefold
heavy cruiser
broiled eel served over rice in a lacquered box; broiled eel and rice served in two separate stacked boxes, with eel in top box and rice in bottom box
felony; serious crime
seriously sick person
attaching too much importance to; placing disproportionate emphasis on; making too much of
instrumental ensemble
relative weight; lightness and heaviness; relative importance; gravity
responsible position
baking soda; sodium bicarbonate
multistoried; multilayered
heavy cavalry
(seriously and slightly) injured persons; people with serious and minor injures
recouping one's strength for a renewed attack (on); making another attempt with redoubled efforts
overweight; too heavy (burden, workload, etc.); too severe
successive generations
heavy water
serious (vital) question; a grave issue; a matter of grave concern
heavy bomber
serious or slight injury; major and minor injuries
important duty; heavy responsibility; responsible post; reappointment
heavy punishment
vehicle weight; car weight
weight of an (unloaded) vehicle; dead load; tare; one's own weight
deuterium; heavy hydrogen
heavy breed (esp. horse)
double-stopping (string instr.); double-stop; multiphonics (e.g. wind instr.)
food packed in nest of lacquered boxes
utter villain; atrocious fiend; devil
heavy (esp. in oil, chemistry, etc.)
compound sentence; sentenced formed of two independent clauses; important cultural property; important cultural asset
polymerization; polymerisation
intense suffering
heavy sentence
heavy obligation
felony; major offence; felon; old offender
double marriage (in the same family); intermarriage
major imprisonment; imprisonment with hard labor (hard labour)
food tray (used in the food industry)
double heading (using two locomotives at the front of a train); double-headed train; doubleheader
serious crime; heavy punishment
piling up
pleonasm; redundancy; tautology
pork cutlet on rice in a lacquered box
heavy and chemical industries
serious cases (of illness)
multiple citizenship; multiple nationality
gross negligence
nest of lacquer boxes
heavy additional tax(ation)
citing again
indirect translation; translation of a translation
compound interest
heavy element
treasure; invaluable person
multi-tiered food boxes that can be carried by hand; (arch.) female prostitute who carried multi-tiered food boxes about and peddled foodstuffs (Meiwa and Anei eras)
close confinement (in one's barracks)
box lunch with tempura
baking soda; sodium bicarbonate
mercantilist policy
bichromic acid; dichromic acid
Lagomorpha; order of rabbits, hares and pikas
heavy liquids
heavy oxygen
multiple star
sodium bicarbonate; baking soda
heavy electric equipment
double flat
kilogram-weight; kilogramme-weight
heavy electric (power)
potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7)
FDD; frequency division duplex
multiple regression
multiple correlation coefficient
baking soda; bicarbonate of soda
superheavy nucleus; ultraheavy nucleus
solitary confinement in a dark cell without bedding (for up to one week)
multiple integral
multiple regression analysis
barium oxide; heavy clay
law of superposition; principle of superposition