1. (something) stopper (e.g. geridome is medicine for diarrhea)
Used in vocabulary (38 in total)
retaining wall; sheathing
brake; drag; skid; restraint; curtailment; self-imposed limit
stopping just before
non-slip device (material, tread, etc.); non-skid; anti-slip; back-up option (esp. with regard to university admissions); back-up choice; insurance choice
preventing (someone) from leaving; confinement; being stranded; grounding; level dyeing
forbidding to speak; muzzling (a person); bribing into secrecy; hush money
sunscreen; suntan lotion; sunblock
closure (of a road); suspension of traffic; road closed; closed to traffic; no through road
styptic; stopping of bleeding
anti-travel sickness (medicine)
(railway) buffer stop; bumper; bumping post
sash clip (fastener); ornament worn over an obi
rust-proofing; anti-corrosive
anti-itch medication; antipruritic drug
cough medicine; cough syrup; cough lozenge
antidiarrheal; paregoric; obstipant
suspension of ferry service
garters; suspenders
chock; scotch
an antisudorific (agent or material)
termination of employment contract; unfair termination
ending a sentence with a noun or noun phrase
draw a full house
full house; sell-out; putting up a sign forbidding entry, passage, etc.
French knot
color fixing; colour fixing
wheel stops; wedges; blocks; linchpin
cutting grass and trees is prohibited
delivery of freight to a station
reinforcing "bolt" stitch across the bottom of a seam
snow guard (to prevent snow from sliding off of a roof); snow stop
triangular hairpin
wood filling; filler; filling
ending a sentence with a noun
fungicide; preservative against mold; antimold agent
protecting the skin from becoming rough; lotion for rough skin; salve