1. indicates the target of an activity; -ee (e.g. employee, examinee, trustee)
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (59 in total)
hair coat (of an animal)
(suffering) damage; injury; harm
being bombed; being A-bombed; being nuked; being exposed to radiation (from an atomic blast)
being shot; being bombed
coating; film; membrane; tunic (plants); capsule
ward (of the court)
victim; injured party; sufferer
suspect (person)
subject (of a medical experiment, etc.); test subject; trial subject; examinee (of a full-body scan, etc.)
something created (e.g. by the gods); creature
coating; covering; cover
lower government office (ritsuryo system); servant of a higher ranking person (during the middle ages); retainer; servant of an urban family; serf
being exposed to radiation; radiation exposure
the entombed; the person buried (usually in burial mounds, etc.)
the ruled; the governed
eligibility for election; suffrage
employee; employed person
insured person
angiosperm; flowering plants
decedent; deceased; inheritee
(protective) coat; casing; housing; jacket
dependent; person receiving support; person being supported
augend; summand
Assumption (of the body and soul of Mary into heaven)
physically abused child; battered child
person eligible for elective office
protectorate (country); dependency; dependent state
test drug
(prison) inmate; detainee; prisoner
ward (of a guardian); pupil
electoral eligibility
number of times cited; number of citations; citation number
putamen (part of brain); frustule; silicified cell wall of a diatom
insured item
person subject to a conservatorship or curatorship
person subject to a limited guardianship
link to (a site, as used in page ranking that site)
managed (open) system
occupation period (e.g. post-WWII period during which the Allies occupied Japan)
appointee; nominee
oppressed peoples; discriminated ethnicity
confined groundwater; artesian groundwater
thrownness; philosophical concept (Geworfenheit in German) introduced by Heidegger