1. person; -er
2. expert; geisha; prostitute
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (1155 in total)
fool; nitwit; The Fool (Tarot card)
supreme ruler; conqueror; champion; winner; titleholder
geisha; professional female entertainer, usu. at traditional banquets
speaker; narrator; speaker (of a language)
hero; the brave; man of valour (valor)
messenger; envoy; emissary
(a) mute; mute person
two things; two persons
actor; actress; man of wits; clever person; cunning fellow
(medical) doctor; physician
person in charge (including a supervisory role for other staff); person responsible for ...; responsible party; supervisor; manager
suspicious person
degenerate; pervert; deviant
intruder; invader; trespasser; raider
fiance; fiancee
suspect (person)
eye-witness; witness
advocate (of a theory or principle); ideologist; -ist (i.e. adherent to a belief system); (arch.) socialist; (arch.) communist
guardian; protector; patron; parent
outsider; someone outside of a group
hypocrite; dissembler; wolf in sheep's clothing; fox in a lamb's skin
victim; injured party; sufferer
person concerned; people involved (in an event); those concerned; staff
criminal; culprit
editor (in publishing, etc.)
(eligible) voter; elector; holder of a right; rightsholder; bigwig; person with political clout
subject (of a medical experiment, etc.); test subject; trial subject; examinee (of a full-body scan, etc.)
coachman; driver; cabman; postilion
strong person; the strong; the powerful
weak person; the weak; vulnerable person; disadvantaged person
loser; defeated person; the defeated
accomplice; henchman
rebel; traitor
(musical) conductor; commander; leader; director
three persons; three parties
dictator; despot
atomic bomb victim (esp. of Hiroshima and Nagasaki); hibakusha
dead person; (the) deceased; (the) dead; casualties
follower; attendant; valet; servant
pair; the two; both persons; both things
another person; others
reporter; journalist
participant; entrant
practitioner (of medicine, sorcery, fortune telling, etc.)
creator (of a work); author; writer; artist; composer; playwright
trader; dealer; businessperson; fellow trader; people in the same trade
governor; leader; ruler
winner; victor
person concerned; interested party; related party
guardian; custodian
collaborator; cooperator; coworker; ally
third party; third person; outsider; disinterested person
the former
leader; guide; mentor; coach
employee; worker; laborer (labourer); blue-collar worker
influential person; powerful person; big wheel; big gun; power behind the throne
manager; landlord; warden; root (user)
agent; proxy
assailant; marauder
candidate; applicant
injured person; wounded person; casualty
party to a contract; subscriber; policy owner (insurance)
person in charge (of an area of work); person responsible; contact (person)
clergyman; churchman; clergy
powerful person; influential person
author (usu. of a particular book); writer
engineer; technical expert; technician; craftsperson
king; monarch; ruler; champion
ringleader; mastermind; leader (of a plot)
manager; proprietor
user; consumer; employer
visitor; caller
representative; delegate
prophet; predictor; prognosticator
applicant; candidate; person interested in doing something; person wanting to do something; interested party; volunteer
experienced person; person who has had a particular experience
person with supernatural power; person capable of extrasensory perception
assailant; perpetrator; wrong-doer; aggressor
living person; the living
influential person; man of importance
target group; target persons
killer; murderer
suspect (person)
chairman; moderator; toastmaster; master of ceremonies; chairperson; host (of a TV show, etc.)
viewer; (television) audience
senior; elder; person older than oneself
person in the same line of business; people in the same trade; the trade; the profession
sponsor; promoter; impresario; organizer; organiser
alumnus (alumnae); graduate; former member of an organization; former inhabitant (country, region, etc.)
aggressor; invader
companion; comrade; escort; member of a party; fellow traveller; fellow traveler
master of martial arts; practitioner of martial arts
prize winner; pennant winner; victor
user; end-user; consumer
onlooker; bystander
casualties; the killed and wounded
holder (of a record, title, permit, etc.)
understanding person; supporter
traveller; traveler
participants; participating athletes
poor doctor; inept doctor; quack
instrumentalist; player
client; requester
fanatic; fanatic believer; zealot
statesman; administrator; politician; policymaker
advanced student; advanced learner; advanced practitioner; experienced person
person who has rendered distinguished service
manufacturer; producer
intruder; trespasser
severely wounded person
the ruler; sovereign
infected person
person killed in action; the war dead
applicant; candidate
one's superior; one's elder; one's senior; (arch.) virtuous and gentle person
vagrant; vagabond; tramp
those present; attendance
prisoner; convict
adherent; devotee; believer
deviant; deviate; pervert; weirdo
attendant; attendee
educator; teacher; educationalist
scholar of literature; literary person; man of letters; writer
person of high rank or position
supporter (e.g. of the arts); adherent; proponent
married person
performer; entertainer; actor
opponent; antagonist
runaway; fugitive
person of character
leading actor; star; leading figure; central figure; key figure
heathen; heretic; pagan; nonconformist; freethinker; iconoclast
avenger; revenger
old person; old people
arbitrator; mediator; go-between
winner; victor; conqueror
original author (of a work)
homosexual (person)
spouse; wife; husband; partner
originator; founder
leading person; foremost figure
leading person; foremost figure
successful applicant
leader; commander
pioneer; settler; colonist
runner; base runner
producer; grower; maker; manufacturer
dropout; quitter; deserter
suitable person; well-qualified person; responsible party; responsible person
the deceased; deaths; persons killed
visitor; attendee; spectator; guest; audience
original proposer; originator; proponent; initiator
advocate; disputant; debater; (present) writer; author
successful person
spokesperson; speaker (for someone); mouthpiece; voice (e.g. for the ordinary citizen)
pedestrian; walker
pioneer; trailblazer; leader; groundbreaker; pathfinder; forerunner
visitor (to a factory, school, lab., etc.)
emigrant; immigrant
archeologist; archaeologist
worshipper; admirer
investor; financier
candidate (for an election)
person who has committed suicide
the Absolute
addict; junkie; substance abuser
registrant; subscriber; enrollee
informant; informer; contact; Information Provider
expert; skilled hand; person of experience
person affected by a disease; sufferer
person asking for advice; inquirer; consulter; consultor; counselee; querent (in tarot, astrology, etc.)
person concerned; person qualified; person in question; party; litigant (legal)
tenant (esp. residential tenant in apartment block); occupant; inhabitant; inmate
person adrift on the sea; castaway (on an island)
performer; player
loser; the defeated
refugee; exile; displaced persons
persons present
escapee; fugitive
donor; contributor; provider
founder (of a company)
candidate; applicant
unemployed person
creator; Creator
sage; wise man; wise person; buddha; bodhisattva; enlightened priest
well-informed person; thinking person; intelligent person
cleverness; skill; tact; clever person (in a particular field); skillful person (skilful)
owner; possessor; holder; carrier
offender; transgressor; violator
guardian; mentor; protector
prize-winner; recipient (of a prize, award, etc.)
supporter; sponsor; patron; backer
disabled person; handicapped person; person with a (physical or mental) disability
looter; plunderer; pillager; marauder
wise man
high achiever; student with good academic results
minor; person under age
victim; sufferer
vagrant; vagabond; drifter
(sports) commentator; play-by-play announcer; Let's Player; Let's Play gamer
unmarried person; bachelor; spinster
advocate; proponent; supporter
sleepwalker; somnambulist
questioner; interrogator; interpellator
missing person; runaway
former convict; old offender; ex-convict; person with a criminal record
founder; organizer; organiser
incompetent (person)
informer; informant; betrayer; snitch
resident; inhabitant
guide; usher
dropout; straggler; outcast; failure
searcher; pursuer
visitors; attendance
enthusiast; fan; lover; devotee; aficionado
photographer; photograph-taker; filmer; recorder
manufacturer; maker
incompetent person; incapable person; person without legal capacity
worshipper; worshiper; visitor (to a shrine or temple); pilgrim
victim of (a disaster)
inexperienced person
fellow passenger
superintendent; supervisor; warden
married man
costar; coactor
liberal; liberalist
suitor (e.g. for a woman); wooer
person in line (for ...); person expected to ...
contributor (of written material)
sick person; patient; invalid
implementor; author
settler; newcomer
healer; clinician; physician; person who gives treatment; therapist
mentally deranged person; lunatic; mental patient
cripple; disabled person
the Almighty; The Omnipotent One
investigator; one who seeks the way
foe; opponent; adversary; dissenter
person who sets questions (for an exam or quiz)
subscriber; reader; admirer
near relative
reporter; speaker; informer; presenter; rapporteur
socialist (person)
person who introduces someone; introducer
fortuneteller; diviner
expert; knowledgeable person; authority (on a subject)
mediator; go-between; middleman
believer; devotee; follower; adherent; convert; disciple
person making threats; intimidator
person holding a dan rank; black belt (martial arts); dan player (go, shogi)
natural scientist
business person; operator; carrier (telecommunications, transport, etc.)
mountain climber; mountaineer
consumer; ordinary citizen; stakeholder; person who lives on (e.g. situation, income, place)
evangelist; evangelistic worker
arrestee; person arrested
an authority
slightly injured person; slightly wounded person; person with minor injuries
intermediate student; intermediate learner; intermediate practitioner
youth; minor; young people
apostate; renegade
competitor; rival
rebel; insurgent
seller; exhibitor
elderly person
(prison) inmate; detainee; internee; in-patient (hospital); resident (institution)
writer; novelist
manager; administrator
aggressor; assailant; invader
editor; compiler
person unfit for society; misfit
member (of a class); trainee; participant
person who notifies the police; informer; whistleblower; delator
competitor; contestant; player; athlete
medical scientist
operator; worker; maker
lust killer; lust murderer
guide; vanguard; leader
judge; arbitrator
editor; compiler
(seriously and slightly) injured persons; people with serious and minor injures
the sick and wounded
stranger; person from abroad
money lender; financier
monk; member of religious order
sovereign; ruler
voyager; navigator
issuer; publisher
authority (person)
drug addict; junkie
successful candidate
expressive person (e.g. in musical performance)
conspirator; accomplice
employee; employer; person hiring others
guest (esp. hotel); lodger
proxy; agent; substitute; deputy; alternate; representative
heir to the throne; successor to the throne
habitual offender; addict
illegal immigrant
(event) planner; (event, meeting) organizer; producer
scholar of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture
legal guardian
seriously ill patient; critically ill patient; serious case
attendants at a funeral; mourners
servant (of the people); minister (of religion)
laborer; labourer; workman
adviser; advisor; counsellor; counselor
adviser; advisor; counsellor; counselor
someone engaged in a certain pursuit; practitioner; worker; employee
advocate; defender; champion; backer
spectator; visitor
rightful claimant; beneficiary; right holder
president; chairman
hedonist; epicurean
recommender; nominator; referee
real estate agent; realtor
experient; person who has experienced something
qualified or eligible person
person who gives the right (correct) answer
visitor; guest
man of refined tastes; refined person; tea ceremony master; lewd man; lecher
investigator; researcher
reader; (website) visitor
sympathizer; sympathiser
licensed or qualified or eligible person
complainant; plaintiff
illegal resident (in a country); illegal alien; illegal overstayer (person who has overstayed their visa)
entrant (into a country); immigrant
man of virtue; humanitarian
park visitor
inventor; designer; planner
war correspondent
expellee; purgee; exile
manual laborer; manual labourer
acceptee; accepted candidate; person who has passed (e.g. a test); passer-by; transiter
(Catholic) neophyte
seer; pioneer; leading spirit; enlightened person
homeless people (living on the street)
tender winner; successful bidder; contract awardee
supporter; helper; aid provider; patron
forwarding agent; carrier
tactician; strategist; master swordsman
affiliate; member; entrant; participant; (telephone) subscriber
passenger; visitor; traveler; traveller
intruder; infiltrator
driver (of a vehicle)
visitor; person born later than oneself; one's junior; future
unmarried person; single person; bachelor; spinster
person who has died at his post (in the performance of his duties)
proponent; exponent; advocate
close contact (person); high-risk contact
former occupant
Confucian scholar
great scholar; savant; polymath
beginner; novice; neophyte
bankrupt person; insolvent person
late-arriving person
murderer; killer
mediator; middleman; intermediary; carrier (e.g. disease)
seducer; tempter; temptress; enticer; charmer; betrayer
persons who have fallen in battle
rich man; man of wealth
fiction writer; dime novelist
deaf person
the entombed; the person buried (usually in burial mounds, etc.)
heterosexual (person)
performer; actor
oppressor; tyrant
loser; failure
youngster; young and immature person
prospective employee
duellist; duelist; dueller; dueler
expert; geisha; prostitute
acolyte; adherent; follower; imitator; copycat
attendee; participant
recipient of payments; pensioner
low-income earner
insane person; a fanatic
fellow traveler; fellow traveller; sympathizer; sympathiser
victims; sufferers
Sinologist; scholar of the Chinese classics
constant user; addict
presenter (e.g. of a paper); speaker
person in his or her prime; man in his prime; woman in her prime
impotent (person)
chief executive officer; CEO
unmarried person
individualist; egoist; selfish person
copyright holder; copyright owner
regular user; person who favors (favours) (something)
joint owners; part owners
anthropologist; ethnologist
worshipper; pilgrim; visitor to temple or shrine
slugger; heavy hitter
surrenderer; person who surrenders
bidder; tenderer
robber; plunderer
lecturer; speaker
person frozen to death
seller; vendor; party receiving or accepting an order
experimenter; researcher
presenter; submitter; proposer
general (civil engineering and construction) contractor
drunk; drunken person; drunkard
beginner; newcomer; novice; new pupil; new disciple
disqualified person
unsuccessful candidate; rejected person
blind person
writer; author
founder (of a nation)
tactician; strategist
paedophile; pedophile
meteorologist; climatologist; aerologist
returnee; repatriate
carrier (of a disease-causing agent)
builder; constructor
retired person; retiree
occupant; possessor; occupier
dandy; dude
commercial and industrial men
announcer; presenter; speaker; publisher
war victims
person of low rank or position
subscriber; reader; buyer
system administrator
martyr; sufferer
person doing the actual work (as opposed to management)
person (patient) with minor illness; person showing only minor symptoms (of a disease)
long-term resident; fixed domicile resident; permanent resident
political scientist
someone with a dual personality
supporter; cheerer (e.g. from the sidelines at a sporting event); rooter
pauper; the needy; the poor
grower; cultivator; planter; farmer
interested parties; persons concerned; stakeholder
plotter; conspirator
arranger (of music)
self-employed person
land owner; leaseholder
Buddhist scholar; Buddhologist
workers; employees; people on duty
beginning student; beginner
caregiver; carer
baptist; baptizer
healthy person
runaway; absconder; eloper
drowned person
entrant; new member
independent contractor
missing person
head; leading spirit
herdsman; ranch hand
victim (of a crime, esp. murder)
analyst; assayer
stenographer; writer of shorthand
Taoist; moralist
senior official; senior members
radio listener
agricultural scientist; agronomist; agriculturist
leading advocate; important proponent; strong advocator
briefer; elucidator; exponent; expositor; explainer
entertainment journalist; entertainment reporter; gossip columnist
arbitrator; mediator
superior individual
attendance; those present
pervert; deviant
telecommunications carrier; PTT
video game developer
seller; vendor
separatists; schismatics
finder (of lost property)
activist (in a political movement); crusader (e.g. for women's rights)
general (supervising) editor; editor-in-chief
doer; performer (of a deed); perpetrator
brain worker; brain-worker; white-collar worker; mental worker
visitor (to a shop or restaurant); customer (visiting a store or restaurant); patron
whistleblower; inside informant
hitchhiker; one who catches a ride
(physically) disabled person; person with a physical disability
exhibitors (at a trade show, etc.)
herald; orderly; messenger
mammonist; money-worshipper
deceiver; a fraud
convert (e.g. to Buddhism)
John Doe; Jane Doe; person unknown
victor; victor troops; conqueror
missionary; evangelist; propagandist
sympathizer; sympathiser; fellow traveler; fellow traveller
close associate
fortune teller; soothsayer; diviner
seasonal laborer; seasonal labourer
person on top of the income scale; top earner
counterfeiter; faker; appropriationist
organizer; organiser
participant; member
the poor; the needy; the destitute
attendant; member of an entourage or retinue or party
visitor (to a museum, library, etc.)
wage laborer; wage earner; paid worker
person unfit for society; misfit
person unfit for society; misfit
annotator; commentator
person who has met an unnatural death; person accidentally killed
person with a mental disorder; person with a mental illness
person who achieves perfection; person who perfects (e.g. a theory)
convert (e.g. to a cause)
occupier; occupying forces
critic; reviewer
desiring person; luster
promoter; instigator; driving force; pioneer; leader
abuser (of a person or animal)
observer; spectator
best qualified person; most suitable person
deaf and mute person
principal offender
proponent; defender; advocate
constitutional scholar (lawyer); expert in constitutional law
unsuccessful candidate
approver; authorizer
advocate; propagator
learner; student; scholar
person in charge; manager; chief; head
skeptic; sceptic
founder; establisher
business operator; entrepreneur
classicist; classical scholar
poacher (of fish)
intellectually disabled person; mentally disabled person
garbage man; garbage collector
chooser; selector
person in the wrong; malfeasant
pedophile; paedophile
person who prays
man of long service
second offender
new graduate; new graduates
mediator; intercessor
linguist; language expert
lyric writer; lyricist; songwriter
aide; caregiver; carer; helper
teacher (esp. in Buddhism)
contributor (of articles)
originator; inventor
imbecile; moron
repeat offender
pedant; bookworm
temporary worker (dispatched from an agency); dispatched worker
operator; handler
interviewer; interviewee
bisexual (person)
released prisoner; ex-convict; ex-con
returnee; homecomer; person who has returned (home) to their country
outdoor sleeper; rough sleeper; homeless person
donor; contributor; donator
donor; contributor; donator
perjurer; false witness
senior; old timer
people of similar tastes
sheep breeder; sheepman; shepherd
unemployed person
supporter; breadwinner
recipient; receiver
reviewer; person who checks accuracy of written work
employee posted away from their family
permitter; licensor
recipient (of a transmission)
employed person
drowned person
criminal condemned to death; convict on death row
recipient of a decoration; recipient of an order (of merit)
luster; lusting person
blind person
person of extensive learning; well-read person; polymath
a proposer
dead person; the deceased
collaborator; coauthor; joint author
blood donor
law-abiding citizen
operator; manager
drunkard; reveller
stateless person
scorer (goals, runs, etc.)
time traveler; time traveller
(foreign) resident
income earner
adult; person of full age
person who has been laid off
invader; trespasser
person whose work is selected for a prize, exhibition, etc.; winning candidate
visitor (to an exhibit)
survivor; holdover
survivor; holdover
first proponent; initiator and advocate (e.g. of a theory)
donor; presentator
verifier; identifier; confirmor; confirming party
health supervisor
person who has reached nirvana, enlightenment, etc.
evangelist; gospeler; gospeller
military scholar; military writer
simultaneous interpreter
young person
workers on the job
non-payer; one who doesn't pay one's bills
lover (e.g. of cinema); devotee
feeble-minded (weak-minded) person; mentally deficient person
(legally) incompetent individual
female writer; woman writer
general (civil engineering and construction) contractor
worker; employee; person being employed
searcher; person using a search engine
mountain hiker; person engaging in walking activities in the mountains
hearing-impaired person; person with hearing difficulties; deaf person
pilgrim; nomad; itinerant
long-distance runner
combatant; interested party in warfare; warring nation; belligerent
commander (during the Sengoku period); military leader; general; admiral; military strategist
speaker; orator
permanent resident; foreigner with permanent-residence visa
broker; middleman; employment agency
person of diminished capacity (e.g. drugs, alcohol, mental retardation, etc.)
unqualified or unlicensed person; (legally) incompetent
player of a wind instrument
first offender
person attached to some unit
the middle-aged and the elderly
juvenile offender; juvenile delinquent
unmoved mover (in philosophy); prime mover
long-stay visitor; long-term resident
adviser; advisor; counselor; counsellor
successful examinee
star; leading actor
supporting actor; supporting actress
magician; sorcerer; sorceress
claimant; requester
labor agitator; labour agitator
owner of a lost article
executor (of a will); testamentary executor
executor (of a will); testamentary executor
drug user or addict
head of a family; first name on a list
(habitual) drinker
retired employee; unemployed person
victim; martyr
employed person
coauthor; joint author; collaborator
trustee; assignee; consignee
highly educated person; academic; scholar
person stranded due to mass transit disruptions after an earthquake, etc.
careful and thorough person
deaf person; hearing-impaired person
physically handicapped person
addict; dependent (person)
scholar of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture
non-electronic computer (i.e. person carrying out computation)
deliverer; donor
unemployed person
fellow worker
temporary resident
radio and television audience
good batter
draftee; conscript
person in arrears; (tax) defaulter
member (of a research project)
well versed person; authority (on); expert (in)
university graduate
policyholder; insurance policyholder
released convict; discharged prisoner
referee (of a manuscript); reviewer
sole proprietor; one-man business; self-employed
party secessionist; defector from a party
parolee; person on parole
ward (of a guardian); pupil
refuser; objector
person who has succeeded (at something)
person doing one job exclusively; full-time worker; full-time union official
hider; person in hiding
employer; someone hunting for workers
deponent; testifier
congratulatory visitors
contributor; investor; financier
Japanologist; Japan scholar
mediator; intermediary; agent; broker; middleman
a quasi-incompetent (individual)
donor; contributor
employed person
movie adapter; dramatizer; dramatiser
brutal murderer
unqualified (incompetent) person; square peg in a round hole
person with a physical or mental disability; disabled person
visually handicapped person; visually impaired person; blind person
mortgagee; loan holder
brain physiologist
samurai words and phrases
graduate from an earlier year; alumnus; alumna; former graduate
someone with inferior education
invited speaker; guest speaker at
underwriter (insurance); appraiser; assessor; auditor
Supreme Being
human research subject; person who is being studied
person who dislikes smoking; anti-smoker
present holder of an office
idiot; dummy; joker; fool; trickster
bad acquaintance; person whose acquaintance will be harmful
young child; infant
deaf-blind person
Japanese language specialist; linguist specializing in Japanese
parolee; person on parole (from prison)
close contact (person); high-risk contact
discharged patient
person of the same rank or position
jailer; gaoler
official candidate
principal offender
pinch hitter
case of frostbite
fishing-lot fisherman
slugger; heavy hitter
visitor; tourist
electronics engineer
orchardist; fruit grower
a fence; dealer in stolen goods
full-time trade union officer who remains employed at a company
supervisor; controller
elderly person
rustic; countryman
joint translator; co-translator
guarantor (of a payment)
person who receives a pledge; pledgee; pawnee
Polluter Pays Principle; PPP
mentally-handicapped person (pejorative); retarded person
speech-impaired person; person with a speech impediment; mute
mortgage debtor; mortgager; mortgagor
person who has fled from North Korea; North Korean defector
World Conference of Religions for Peace
abandoner (in securities, etc.)
nuclear scientist
conference call (phone option); conference calling
legal representative; legal guardian
dual citizen; person having dual citizenship or nationality
application developer; applications developer; applications programmer
Data Base Administrator; DBA
network administrator
implementation defined
futurist; futurologist
paedophile; pedophile
marriage solemnizer; marriage celebrant
environmental administrator
convert; person converted to a religion or belief
officiant; presider
generalist; renaissance man; multi-talented person; synthesist
unrepatriated person
toady; lackey; sycophant; flatterer
appointee; nominee
appointer; person with appointive power
safety officer; safety administrator
man-in-the-middle attack
person requiring special help (usu. seniors, infants, etc. in disaster scenarios)
short sleeper; person who doesn't need much sleep
Olympic Cauldron lighter; Olympic torch lighter; last runner in the Olympic torch relay
Olympic Cauldron lighter; Olympic torch lighter; last runner in the Olympic torch relay
released prisoner; ex-convict
transvestite; cross-dresser
sexual abuse victim
person who shows no symptoms (of an infectious disease); asymptomatic person
disabled person; person with a physical or mental disability
former owner (e.g. of a collection)
financial supporter (of a visa applicant); financial sponsor
person with a special relationship (e.g. in inheritance); special relative
nice person; good-natured person
fencer; swordsman
person who attends a renga meeting
Examples (19 in total)
Tom is a stutterer.
He is a highly paid man.
Tom is extremely secretive.