1. counter for parts, stages, installments, etc. (of a story, series, project, campaign, etc.)
esp. as 第〜弾, e.g. 第2弾
2. counter for bullets
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (54 in total)
bomb; alcohol with liquor added (esp. wine-based shōchū highball, also beer with whiskey)
magic bullet; magic bullets
bullet; shot; shell
four handed performance (on the piano)
bomb; bombshell
oppression; suppression; pressure
bullet hole; bullet mark
incendiary bomb; firebomb
bullet (from a rifle)
shell; cannonball
impact (of a projectile); landing (of a bullet); striking
elasticity; flexibility
ammunition; ammo
being shot; being bombed
(artillery) barrage; bullet hell; curtain fire; barrage of scrolling comments (overlaid on an online video)
trajectory; line of fire; ballistic
live bullets; live ammunition; ball cartridge; money
remaining bullets; remaining ammunition
loading (a firearm)
pyrotechnic signal; signal flare
guided missile
hit (of a bullet, shell, etc.); impact
rubber bullet
unexploded ordnance; unexploded shell; unexploded bomb; UXO
assassin's bullet
enemy bullet
human bullet
tear-gas bomb
bandolier; bandoleer; ammo belt; driving band (of a shell or bullet); rotating band
point-blank shot
(ballistic) missile
smoke grenade; smoke shell
gas bomb
napalm bomb
(direct) hit; straight shot
volcanic projectiles
performance; playing on stringed instruments
hand grenade
hollow-point bullet
dum-dum ammunition
dropping a bomb; bomb drop; slingstone
stray bullet
(alveolar) flap
playing on the koto
round shot
ball ammunition
white phosphorus shell