Verb (5-dan)
1. to go out and away; to leave
い may be dropped, particularly in plain or rough language
Pitch accent
Composed of
coming out; going out; attending (work); appearing (on stage); start; beginning; origins
to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to proceed; to take place; to pass through; to come and go; to walk
Examples (20 in total)
Get out of here immediately!
He finally left the room.
How long ago did he leave?
If you want me to leave, I will.
She went out of the room in anger.
The teacher said to me, "Get out!"
Pack your things and get out of here.
They went out of the room, one after another.
Children don't like to go out in the dark.
Mary left the room suddenly.
As soon as he graduated, he left town.
Tom and Mary left through different doors.
Jim went out, but Mary stayed home.
He went out of this door, never to return.
I caught him trying to go out of the room.
"Where's Mary?" "She left in the morning, said she was going to the beauty salon."
He left the room without even saying goodbye.
All I know is that she left last week.
My father left home when I was three.
The boy put on his athletic shoes and ran outside.