1. outside of; not covered by
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (276 in total)
madness; madman; enthusiast; freak; junkie
foreign-made car; imported car; paddle wheel
outfield; outfielder; outfield bleachers; third party; outsider
acting inhumanly; inhuman person
outer garden
outer garment
extraocular muscle; external eye muscle
beyond the heavens; farthest regions; furthest regions
foreigner; foreign citizen; foreign national; alien; non-Japanese
regrettable; vexing; upsetting; unthinkable; wholly unexpected
outside the city area; suburbs
outside the prefecture
diplomacy; selling (e.g. door-to-door); canvassing
grandchild from a daughter married into another family
open air
foreign; imported; outpatient; outpatient care; outpatient clinic
the surface reason
unexpected; unforeseen; strange
unexpectedly; surprisingly; unexpected; unanticipated; unforeseen
out of the question; outrageous; impossible; irrelevant; not pertinent
exterior; packaging; cladding; armor (armour); arm
open air; outdoors; outside
brink; outer edge
staying somewhere else (overnight); spending the night away (e.g. from home); going home (e.g. from hospital) for the night; sleepover
external; foreign
outside the company
foreign capital (e.g. in a company); foreign investment
outer sanctum; nave; transept
university of foreign studies; university specializing in foreign languages
unexpected; surprising
outward appearance
outside (e.g. of a building); exterior; outside (of a group, company, etc.); outside world
going out; outing; leaving (one's home, office, etc.)
exterior; outside; outer; external; lateral
overcoat; greatcoat; cloak; wrap; mantle
beyond expectations; beyond what one expected; not foreseen; exceeding assumptions
outer wall
outward appearance; exterior appearance; outward show; looks
outside world; physical world
nonstandard; substandard
acting inhumanly; inhuman person
outdoors; outside
outer circumference; perimeter; outskirts; periphery
unexpressed; unspoken; implied; implicit
revealing (information, a secret, etc.); disclosure; telling; letting out
outdoors; outside; open air; fields; outskirts; suburbs
exception; exclusion
inside and outside; interior and exterior; around; about; approximately
foreign enemy; outside invader
eating out; dining out
shell; crust
outer surface; outward appearance; outside; outside; outer; outward
(being) out of range (e.g. mobile network, radar, missiles); (being) out of contention; (being) beyond influence
unexpected; unscheduled; unforeseen; unplanned
foreign language
out of range; outside the limits (of...); outside (a) range; outside the scope
exorbitant; outrageous; ridiculous; absurd; excessive; inordinate
newspaper extra
outside of one's area of expertise
outside a castle
disregarding; taking no account of; ignoring; overlooking
external; outside
estrangement; neglect; alienation; casting out; ostracism; giving the cold shoulder
not factored in; not included in calculations; unaccounted for; unplanned for
not covered (by); not subject (to)
outside light
domestic and foreign; inside and outside the country
out of bounds; beyond the pale
ectogenesis; outside the body
exception; supernumerary; extra (e.g. performance, item, object, etc.); additional; outsize
outside the hall (or stadium, market, etc.); off the grounds; off the premises; off-track
noninclusion in a team; not being chosen to play
out of the question; unthinkable; impossible
outside a car (train, bus, etc.)
out-of-school; off-campus
outside the school; outside the university; unaffiliated with the university; off-campus; extramural
outer wall (e.g. castle); outer block (enclosure); outline; contour
outside a gate; beyond one's area of expertise
overtime; outside of hours (school, office, surgery, etc.)
supplementary biography; anecdote; side story; spin-off
outside order; outsourcing; custom (manufacture)
outside (the room, building); outdoors
outside one's jurisdiction
open sea; ocean
external; superficial; outward; surface
benighted lands outside of imperial influence
externals; external form
off an island; away from an island; off-island
outer space
outside telephone line; outer circle
Foreign Minister
overseas territories; outlying areas
external angle; exterior angle; outside corner
outer planet
external force
outer ring; external ring
outside a plane; outboard
foreign affairs
stranger; person from abroad
foreign (product, esp. agricultural); of foreign manufacture
outside Earth's atmosphere; outer space; exoatmosphere; exo-atmosphere
leaving one's seat
external pressure; outside pressure; foreign pressure
unexpected; unsuspected
outside (an organization, department, etc.)
(beyond the) limits; scope; boundary
unofficial history
outer layers
home and abroad; domestic and foreign; inside and outside; interior and exterior
Apocrypha (i.e. as opposed to the Biblical canon); non-Buddhist writings (esp. Confucian writings)
foreign merchant; foreign businessman; foreign company; out-of-store sales; calling on customers to take orders
Foreign Legion
the outside
external use
outskirts; periphery; environs
unplanned; unscheduled
outside a port or harbor (harbour)
external object; foreign matter
foreign citizenship; foreign nationality
external bureau
outside a building
at one time; some time ago; once
outside the area
outside congress; non-parliamentary; non-hospital (e.g. dispensary, pharmacy, treatment); outside a hospital
maternal grandfather
nonstandard; extraordinary; special
external character; user-defined character; kanji not included in the jōyō or jinmeiyō list; foreign letters (esp. of a western language); foreign writing
foreign language
inside and outside the company
unexpected; surprising
not within proper limits; excessive; unmerited; special
external field
foreign delegation; foreign mission; diplomatic envoy
overseas; abroad
external genitals
beyond the bay
external genitalia (esp. female); vulva
noise (interference)
foreign visitor; foreign guest
foreign visitor; foreign guest
external communication
epidural hematoma; epidural haematoma
outside Japan
foreign invasion; foreign attack; foreign force
foreign loan; foreign debt; foreign bond
foreign policy; diplomatic affairs
outer core (of Earth)
extra-vaginal ejaculation
exogenous; heterogenous; ectotrophic; extraneous
vulva; pudenda
(protective) coat; casing; housing; jacket
also-ran; non-winner
outer port for large city
extramarital (e.g. sex)
epidural anaesthesia; epidural anesthesia
outer diameter
outside a table or list; not a common kanji
foreign law
outer ring; outer loop
refraining from going outside; staying indoors
non-Japanese celebrity; foreigner celebrity
Outer Mongolia
outer atmosphere
foreigner's mistress
undesirable alien
automated external defibrillator; AED
indoor and outdoor
outer edge; outer end
hallux valgus; bunion
out of the pit
(kanji) not in the jōyō set
restaurant industry; dining-out industry
foreign retainer
foreign exchange
foreign-language newspaper
outside the budget
otitis externa; inflammation of the outer ear
outside the control or jurisdiction (of); extra-
external carotid artery
diplomatic institution
religion other than Buddhism
extrapunitive; tending to blame others
circumcenter; circumcentre; outer center; outer centre
foreign correspondent
foreign bank
superior conjunction
external dimensions; outer size
Off-Mountain School (of Song-period Tiantai Buddhism)
for foreigners
foreign loan; foreign debt; foreign bond
maternal grandmother
cross product; vector product; outer product
over-the-counter market; OTC market
transcendent world; world outside of the material world; somewhere removed from the world
external secretion
external secretion
over-the-counter trading; OTC trading; off-floor trading
non-standard-sized mail
tough on the outside but soft at heart
foreign or imported timber
foreign news; foreign telegram
gentle on the outside but tough on the inside; an iron hand in a velvet glove
alien registration card
exotropia; divergent strabismus
area on the convex side of a mountain arc or a crescent-shaped archipelago; area of southwestern Japan south of the Median Tectonic Line
exonym; xenonym
forbidden kanji
foreign athlete
exterior division
invisible trade balance
mother's family name
outer term
foreign tax amount reduction
foreign book; foreign books; non-Buddhist writings
foreign correspondents' club
outside the rankings
being tough on the outside but soft at heart; a faint-hearted person pretending to be brave
beside oneself with joy; in raptures; in an ecstasy of delight
gaijin hunter; person who only dates (non-Asian) foreigners
external respiration
abductor muscle
bunion; hallux valgus
unforeseen test outcome
person from outside one's own province (China); person who moved to Taiwan from the continent after WWII; mainlander
abduction; eversion; exodeviation; exstrophy
outcrossing; outbreeding
extra-curricular activities
external sense
unlicensed nursery; daycare services offered outside of the scope of traditional nurseries
trans-Neptunian object; transneptunian object; TNO
non-operating expense
exotoxin; extracellular toxin
foreign consulting company; foreign consulting business
non-legal public property; public property such as a road or lake that is not managed by the Ministry of Finance, oft. effectively in private hands
non-scheduled cash earnings
Examples (2 in total)
It's outside my expertise.
I was off duty at the time.