1. qin (7-stringed Chinese zither); guqin
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
heartstrings; koto string
organ; harmonium
morin khuur (stringed musical instrument of Mongolian origin); matouqin
qin (7-stringed Chinese zither); guqin; seven-stringed koto
yangqin (Chinese hammered dulcimer); piano
playing on the koto
Japanese variety of music box (invented in 1892 by Toda Kindo)
qin and se (two different kinds of Chinese zither); happy marriage
single-stringed Japanese zither
huqin (any Chinese string instrument played with a bow); (arch.) biwa (4 or 5-stringed Oriental lute)
single-stringed Japanese zither
qin (7-stringed Chinese zither); guqin; seven-stringed koto
mouth harp; Jew's harp
two-stringed koto
playing the koto