1. ring; band; rim
2. ring
3. circum-
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
environment; circumstance
circle; ring; torus
annulation; ring shape; loop shape
links; chain; shackle; linking
atoll; circular coral reef
looking around; looking about
gold ring
the Pacific Rim
tricyclic antidepressant
(circular) moat
segment (of worm)
outer ring; outer loop
benzene ring
circumzenithal arc; cicumzenith arc
cyclization; cyclisation
parhelic circle
umwelt; self-centered world
clasp or ring for attaching a pendant to a chain
signet ring (in medical contexts, e.g. signet ring cell)
tricyclic antidepressant
Newton's rings (interference pattern seen when a convex lens is placed on another surface)
fairy ring; mushroom ring
quotient ring
commutative ring
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon; PAH
noncommutative ring
Noetherian ring
Artinian ring; Artin ring
Artinian ring; Artin ring
ring inversion; ring flip
cyclic compound; ring compound
ball-and-ring method; ring-and-ball test