1. possession; ownership
2. Tibet; Tibetan people
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
youngster; neophyte; greenhorn
three branches of Buddhist sutras
storehouse with thick (earthen) walls; godown
Kshitigarbha (bodhisattva who looks over children, travellers and the underworld); Ksitigarbha; Jizō
cold storage; refrigeration
loquacious man
collection of books; (personal) library
internal (e.g. disk); built-in; equipped (with)
inexhaustible supply
treasuring; cherishing; prizing; holding dear
(in one's) possession
treasure house; treasury
hoarding; storing away (without using)
Dao Zang; Taoist canon
one's library
Minister of Finance
Akasagarbha (bodhisattva); the Receptacle of Void
treasured; cherished
Buddhist teachings; Buddhist scriptures; Dharmakara; Amitabha Buddha in a pre-enlightenment incarnation
book collector
tathagatagarbha (buddha-womb, the potential within all living things to become a buddha)
the Tripitaka (complete Buddhist canon)
household possessions
preserving in salt; salting down
scripture house
treasuring something of value
concealment; shelter; harboring; harbouring
Garbhadhatu; Womb Realm; Matrix Realm
one's old possessions
private collection
held by a private individual; (in the) ownership of a private individual
rotating shelf for sutras
secretly hoarded goods (esp. those belonging to the Japanese military at the end of World War 2)
rectangular bugaku mask made of thick paper and white silk with facial features drawn on it
Sino-Tibetan (languages)
funerary urn; cinerary urn
one's accumulated merit; (lit.) treasure house of merit; Amithaba (Buddha)