Adjective (な)
1. stinginess; miserliness; penny-pinching; miser; pinchpenny; skinflint; cheapskate; tightwad; niggard
also written 吝嗇
2. shabby; cheap; mangy; poor; paltry
3. petty; narrow-minded; mean-spirited; small-minded
4. bad luck; ill omen; misfortune; jinx
Pitch accent
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Examples (6 in total)
He's very stingy.
Despite all his wealth, he is stingy.
Take back what you said about me being stingy.
Shylock is greedy, and what is worse, very stingy.
Accordingly as people become rich, they are apt to be stingy.
Once upon a time, there lived a stingy old man in the village.