Adjective (の)
1. subordinate; secondary; junior; incidental
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
master and servant; lord and retainer; employer and employee
obedience; submission; resignation
follower; attendant; valet; servant
obedient; gentle; meek; submissive; docile
attendant male servant
cousin (elder male)
up to now; so far; traditional; conventional; usual
master and servant; lord and retainer; employer and employee
military service; serving in a war; taking part in a campaign
cousin (younger male)
pretending to obey but secretly betraying (someone)
single column (in marching)
cousin (male)
engaging in (work); pursuing (e.g. studies); following (a profession); being involved in
subordination; dependency
cousin (elder female)
cousin (female)
orderly; underling
previous; former
working exclusively for; working full-time (for)
blind obedience
steward; butler; attendant
insubordination; disobedience
war correspondent
accomplice; complicity
worker; employee; person being employed
subordinate; secondary
subordinate clause
service medal; war medal
ad valorem duty; ad valorem tax
secondary cause
accessory (thing); appurtenance
subordinate; secondary; junior; incidental; accessory
accessory after the fact
accessory before the fact
assembling according to type; collection of items sorted by type
subordinating conjunction
slave station
charging according to usage