1. form; tense
2. adjective; i-adjective (in Japanese)
part of speech tag used in dictionaries
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (163 in total)
monotypic (taxon); monotype; monomorphic; single impression die
traces; evidence
elliptical shape
terrain; geographical features; topography
character style; character form
round shape; circle; circular form
figure; body shape; build; somatotype; biotype; habitus
oval shape; egg shape
form (as opposed to substance); formality; method; system; format; mode
form and nature
semicircular; crescent-shaped; half-moon
transformation; variation; metamorphosis; modification; deformation; variety
column shape; cylinder; columnar
similar figures (in geometry)
masculine gender; masculine form
nai stem (of a Japanese verb); irrealis form; imperfective form
villain's part; bad shape (shogi, othello)
form; shape; figure
shape; form
battle formation; military formation
beautiful face; beautiful looks; beauty; belle; handsome man
describing; comparing; form; figure; personal appearance; one's face and figure
condition; situation; prospects
original form; base form
figure; shape; graphic
bow shape; arc; arch; segment (of a circle)
past tense
globular shape; spherical shape
picturesque scenery; place of scenic beauty; advantageous position; strategic location
abstract; immaterial; moral; spiritual; intangible
isomorphism; same shape; same type; same pattern
deformity; malformation; strange shape; unusual shape
indeterminate form; undefined; indefinite; unstructured
streamline shape; aerodynamic shape
battle formation; disposition of troops
wavy form; ripply shape; waveform
quadrilateral; quadrangle; tetragon
type; pattern; shape; similar type; similar pattern
externals; external form
trapezium; trapezoid
eight-sided shape; octagon
fundamental form; basic form; basic pattern; basic model; basic type; prototype
plural form
shape; figure; image
ring-shaped; circular
hemisphere; dome shape
imperative form; command
material; tangible; concrete
progressive form; in progress (e.g. of a project)
papilionaceous; butterfly-shaped
form of verse; verse form; poetic form
evolved form; developed form
cross; cruciform
present form; present tense
form (esp. in Aristotelian philosophy)
quadrilateral; quadrangle; tetragon
conjunctive form; continuative form; -masu stem of a Japanese verb
perfect tense
feminine gender; feminine form
polygon; -gon; Japanese rectangular envelope (opening on the short side)
hieroglyphics; type of character representing pictures
conjugated form
abbreviation; abbreviated style
Japanese Western-style envelope (opening on the long dimension; numbered 0-7, each with different sizes)
future tense
contraction; shortened form; abbreviated form
negative form
attributive form (of a Japanese verb or adjective)
variation; variant pattern
atypical appearance; atypicality; heteromorphy
word form
the whole form; perfect form
singular form (of a noun)
leaf shape
convex; cuspid; gibbous
sound pattern; figure
past perfect tense
-te form (e.g. of a verb)
-te form (e.g. of a verb)
plain form (of a Japanese verb or adjective); dictionary form; predicative form
asset formation
polymorphism; multiformity
shape-of-the-mind fist; Hsing I Chuan
present perfect tense
dosage form
hypothetical form (of verbs and adjectives in modern Japanese)
potential form
plane figure
attacking formation
variation; variant pattern
poetry form (esp. haiku); grammatical structure in kanbun
cardioid; cordate; heart-shaped
excipient (inactive ingredient added to a drug); filler
state; condition; situation; circumstances
passive voice; passive form
cambium layer; formative layer
adjectival noun (in Japanese); quasi-adjective; nominal adjective; na-, taru-, nari- or tari-adjective
aschelminth (any invertebrate animal formerly classified as belonging to phylum Aschelminthes)
euphonic change form
organizer (in vertebrate embryology)
prismatic shape
dysmorphophobia; body dysmorphic disorder; cacophobia
all-terrain vehicle; ATV; quad bike
causative form
heptagon; septagon
forges and foundries
rectangular figures
semi-major axis
paedomorphosis; pedomorphosis
regular pyramid
acuminate (i.e. sharp shape of leaf); apiculate
arid landforms
Wu Xing Fist; Five Form Fist (Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Crane, Leopard)
the continuative form when used as a conjunction
dictionary form
normalized form (e.g. in floating-point representation); standard form
Direct-coupled Transistor Logic; DCTL
acute (of the shape of a leaf tip)
conjunctive normal form; CNF
sexual dimorphism
Pteriomorphia (subclass of bivalve molluscs)
ku classical inflection form of i-adjectives
shiku classical inflection form of i-adjectives
word form used in literary language
word form primarily used in spoken language
volitional form
inflected form