1. looking; viewing
Usually written in kana
2. (please) try (to)
after the -te form of a verb; irreg. imperative conj. of 見る
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Top 30500
Used in vocabulary (172 in total)
nursing; caring for the sick; deathwatch; attendance at a deathbed
having a dream
moon viewing (esp. during the eight month of the lunar calendar)
appearance; front of a structural member
height; elevated place
snow viewing
show; display; pretensions; pose (in kabuki); posture
splendid; magnificent; utter (esp. defeat); total; (arch.) something worth seeing; (arch.) sight
cherry blossom viewing; flower viewing
watching while standing (e.g. a play)
view; prospect; outlook; viewing platform; overlook
sea god; Poseidon; Neptune
patrolling; one's rounds; inspection tour; watchman; patrolman
pretending not to see something; turning a blind eye to; burying one's head in the sand
chart; table
abandonment; giving up; bargain sale; selling off cheaply; edge (e.g. of an architectural member); boundary
Edo period inspection of rice plants
reward; compensation; collateral; security; turning to look behind
patently; clearly at first glance
heading; headline; index; headword
appearance; outward show
watch-keeping; guard; lookout
outward appearance; apparent
information; experience; observation; seeing and hearing
sight; attraction; spectacle; something worth seeing
appearance; looks
opportunism; waiting and seeing (how the wind blows); sitting on the fence; straddling
public opinion; public eye; discerning eye; an eye (for sth); perspective; way of looking at things
acting on an impulse; doing something without considering the consequences; loose morals (e.g. of a geisha); easy virtue
panties made to be seen; panties that conceal enough to not be embarrassing if seen
visiting ill or distressed people; writing get-well letters; get-well gifts; get-well letters; expression of sympathy; expression of concern
hope; promise; expectation; anticipation; side of a structural member
seeing one off; farewell; escort
as far as the eye can see
preliminary inspection; having a look in advance; preparatory read-through (e.g. of lesson notes); siding (on a house); clapboard
point worthy of note; highlight; high point; good prospects for the future; promise
(making a) lesson (of); (setting an) example; warning
show me
approach (to a castle gate); front of a structural member
serves you right!; see what happens!
appearance; (outward) looks; exterior appearance
remembrance; recollection; recognition
outward appearance
to all appearances; no matter how you look at it
apprenticeship; probation; learning by observation; apprentice; trainee; probationer
if you think about it; come to think of it
(on a) closer look; closer scrutiny; second look
as you see; as you can see
tasting; sampling
wait-and-see (situation, stance, etc.); waiting to see (how things play out); watching developments (before acting)
unobstructed view; perspective; forecast; outlook; insight; foresight
memento (esp. of a deceased person); keepsake; heirloom; remembrance; souvenir
choice; selection; diagnosis; medical opinion; judgement; opinion
formal marriage interview; marriage meeting
sample; specimen; pattern; model; example
showy; ostentatious
strange; unfamiliar; unknown; unfamiliarity; strangeness; stranger
looking away; looking aside
quickly, suddenly (while one is watching); before one's eyes
good outward appearance; looking nice; being attractive; making a fine show
(at) a glance; (judging from) appearances
full-length mirror
as anyone can see
peeking; peeping (e.g. through a hole, narrow gap)
sightseeing; scout; patrol; watchtower; lookout
tasting (food or drink) for poison; checking the taste (of a dish); seeing how something tastes
distinction; discrimination
estimate; estimation; valuation; quotation
learning by watching others; learning by imitation
just you wait and see (as a threat)
highlight (scene); high point; climax; show-off scene (of an actor in a play)
gazing at; staring at fixedly; eyeballing; glaring; giving a hard look
seeming; pose; show; pretense; sham; mock
review; reconsideration; revision
glancing look
towering; astonishingly high
the more one looks (at it) the more...
oversight; omission; something overlooked; thing left unnoticed
from what (I've) seen; given that ...
recklessness; rashness; foolhardiness; temerity; (lit.) without watching where one is going
taking care of someone
rare; extraordinary; singular
(being) worth seeing; impressive
last look; farewell look
double take (esp. out of surprise)
guard; lookout; watch
surreptitious glance; looking furtively
whenever (each time) one sees (it)
clear as day; perfectly obvious; plain as daylight
clear as day; perfectly obvious; plain as daylight
so miserable that it is painful to look at; can't bear to look at; painful to watch
look; glance; (at first) sight
failing to recognize someone; underestimation
(two-page) spread; two pages opposite each other
best time to see
I told you so; you see that?
to the trained eye
forked (road, river)
seeing for the first time; first sight
well, look at that
presentation techniques; way of showing something
wait until you actually see it
viewing; view; viewpoint
unlimited viewing; watching as much as one likes
when looked at in that way
pretending not to see something; turning a blind eye to; burying one's head in the sand
at odd moments
at a proper time; at a suitable occasion; at the correct moment; when the time is right
viewpoint; point of view; way of understanding; way of appreciating; how to look at something (e.g. noh, train schedule)
quick to seize an opportunity
just you wait!; I'll show you one day!; you'll see!; you'll pay for this!
looking from the side; looking aside
watching without paying (a film, play, etc.); watching for free (e.g. on illegal streaming sites); reading for free (e.g. pirated manga)
endpaper (of a book); end-paper; facing (material sewn on the inside edge of a garment); looking back; triumphing over (a rival)
someone who has come to say farewell; those who have come to say farewell; people at a send-off
appearance; look
fear makes the wolf bigger than he is; things are not as scary as they seem; (lit.) the ghost, when examined closely, is withered silver grass
looking to and fro
fire tower
one man's fault is another's lesson
looking at each other; postponement; suspension; interruption
what parents would bring up a kid like this?; (lit.) I'd like to see his (her) parents' faces
knowing what is right and not doing it is a want of courage
palm reader
to not see the wood for the trees; to be caught up with trivial matters and lose sight of the big picture
plum-blossom viewing
failing to recognize; failing to recognise; mistaking for
honesty doesn't pay; life is unfair
unable to let pass unnoticed; unable to be indifferent; unable to just watch (without doing anything); can't bear to see; can't stand watching; can't just stand by
at a glance; obviously
beshimi; noh mask with a slanted mouth, bulging eyes and large nostrils
strange; unfamiliar; unknown
misjudgement; misjudgment; mistake in vision
chrysanthemum watching
point of view; way of seeing
you're a fool if you dance, and a fool if you just look on; we're all fools, so let's dance
don't believe everything you hear; seeing is believing; to have heard of is not to have seen
specimen page
see Naples and die
there is a great difference between being told about something and actually seeing it with your own eyes
observation tower; scout tower
layering; placing a large amount of orders and cancelling before they are executed (with the intent of manipulating the market)
pleasant to look at
seeing is enjoying; looking doesn't cost a thing
look at both sides of the thing; (lit.) look at both sides of the shield
the parent is the best judge of the child
contemptible; despicable
worth seeing; must-see; noticeable; noteworthy
bargain sale; clearance sale; rummage sale
special seats and standing-only space in the galley for people who only intend to see one act of a kabuki play
see Nikko and die; (lit.) don't say "wonderful" until you've seen Nikko
Mishima cattle
reality can not compete with imagination; prospect is often better than possession
zeal is a bad servant; (lit.) the person who chases a deer does not see the mountain
like father, like son
Tōhoku harvest divination event (14th night of the New Year)
show-off bra; wearing clothes that reveal part of the bra (on purpose)
see Nikko and die; (lit.) don't say "wonderful" until you've seen Nikko
tile accidentally or mistakenly shown to other players
tile accidentally or mistakenly shown to other players
layering; placing a large amount of orders and cancelling before they are executed (with the intent of manipulating the market)
declaring one will participate in the game without first looking at one's dealt hand (when being the dealer)
perception; grasp
unfinished; unfulfilled; impossible
moon-viewing on the 13th day of the 9th lunar month
slit in the curtains that allows someone on stage to see the audience (in kabuki theatre); public eye; feeling of being watched; casual observers
Shiomi City (a fictional city in the Fortune Arterial visual novel)