1. view (of life, etc.); outlook
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (57 in total)
prejudice; bias; distorted view
seeing; looking at
estimate; guess; direction; bearings; registration mark (printing); approximately
sightseeing; watching; viewing; sightseer; watcher; spectator
discovery (of a plot, misdeed, etc.); detection; exposure; disclosure
views; opinion; discernment; pride; self-respect
foresight; anticipation
audience with the Emperor; imperial audience
opinion; view; comment
outward appearance
inspection; study by observation; field trip; sitting out (e.g. PE class)
opinion; point of view
interview; audience; meeting; (viewing) party
the same opinion
inspection; examination; survey
idea; thought; discretion; forgiveness; pardon
foresight; foreknowledge; divination
point of view
view; opinion; finding; findings
your views; your opinion; great idea; excellent idea
expertise; experience; knowledge
visitor (to a factory, school, lab., etc.)
personal opinion
evil point of view
preview; private viewing
views; opinion; discernment; pride; self-respect; insight
bookrest; bookholder
not yet seen; unseen; unacquainted; unknown
looking at again; watching again; discovering again; seeing again
admission fee; fee for having one's fortune told
(visual) scrutiny; close inspection; detailed map; detailed guide; guide to the Yoshiwara red light district
beatific vision
self-awareness; consciousness of one's own character
different opinion; objection
observing a performance in a large group
geisha call-office; assignation office for geisha; geisha on call
political views
one's humble opinion
preconception; prejudice; preoccupation
audience seating (noh theater); audience (esp. in noh)
insight; discernment
narrow insight; narrow view; my humble opinion
selfish mind
Myōken (bodhisattva; deification of the North Star or the Big Dipper)
right view
narrow view
seeing Buddha
viewing by others; showing others
apparent authority
traveling inspectors sent by the Shogun in the Edo period
your (esteemed) opinion
narrow perspective
window-shopping; browsing
window-shopping; browsing