1. august
2. beautiful
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (49 in total)
(imperial) reign; period
emperor (of Japan); mikado; (the gates of an) imperial residence
bamboo blind
portable shrine (carried in festivals); palanquin; buttocks; lower back
spirit of a deceased person; the Holy Ghost; the Holy Spirit
Son of God; child of an emperor
fortune slip (usu. bought at a shrine)
divine spirit; spirit of the dead
name of God (esp. in Christian contexts); name of Christ
mountain recess; deep in the mountains
enshrinement hall (of a buddha); temple; cathedral (esp. Catholic)
(another's) spirit; God's heart or spirit; Lord's will
honorific or polite prefix
august (in ref. to the emperor or the gods); imperial; divine
lighted lamp (or candle, etc.) provided as a religious offering
God's word; word of God
wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman
wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman
country; Japan
God's will
imperial tomb
Onbashira Festival; log-dragging festival held once every six years in Suwa, Nagano
God's word; word of God
Son of God; child of an emperor
sacred wine or sake; sake offered to the gods
country; Japan
curtained sleeping platform in shinden-style residences (used by people of high rank)
Miyama cherry (Prunus maximowiczii); Korean cherry; (arch.) mountain cherry tree
deep snow
presence (of a nobleman, the emperor, etc.); outrider (person riding horseback in the lead position of a cavalcade); My Lord; My Lady
beautiful sky
large, high mountain
Imperial standard; (fig.) worthy cause
the spoken words of the emperor or a noble
kagura (esp. when performed at the imperial palace)
lighted lamp (or candle, etc.) provided as a religious offering
(arch.) leader of a nobleman's cavalcade; animal messenger of the gods (i.e. a fox)
Asplenium antiquum (species of spleenwort); Dendropanax trifidus (species of flowering plant); leaves used for serving or offering sake, rice, etc.
the humble shield of our Sovereign Lord
annual Shingon prayer ritual (January 8-14)
the works (of the gods)
Japanese (language)
servant of the imperial court
grain (esp. rice); rice cultivation
Omitama City