1. one-fifth of the night (approx. 2 hours)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
change; modification; alteration; revision; amendment
renewal; update; innovation; improvement
rehabilitation; remaking one's life; rebirth; regeneration; coming back to life; revival
correction; revision; rectification
changing one's clothes; (arch.) lady court attendant
menopause; change of life
renewal; extension; revision
model change (esp. mobile phone); model upgrade
third watch of the night (approx. 11pm to 1am)
second accession of the same emperor
middle watch; 12 midnight-2am
change log; record of updates; update history; what's new
the five night watches; fifth watch of the night (approx. 3am to 5am)
second watch (approx. 9pm to 11pm)
fourth watch of the night (approx. 1am to 3am)