1. instantly; immediately; at once
2. equals; means; is
usu. in negative sentence
3. oneness (of two opposing things); inseparability
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
accession to the throne; enthronement
instant fuck; having sex immediately (after meeting); easy lay
immediate sex (without taking a shower first)
instant death
extempore; impromptu; improvised; ad-lib; off-the-cuff; instant
prompt; immediate; in real time
compliance; conformance; adaptation; (immediate) response; (rapid) reaction
prompt decision; snap judgement; snap judgment
ready fire-power; battle-ready forces; immediate asset (to a team or firm); someone who can be an immediately effective player or worker
practical; matter-of-fact; realistic; utilitarian; pragmatic
immediate; right there on the spot; impromptu; instant; instantaneous
form is emptiness; matter is void; all is vanity
emptiness is form; illusion of the reality of matter
replying to someone's email immediately
making on the spot
neutral; noncommittal
selling out immediately
coming together and dissolving into oneness; being closely related; being inseparable
instant death
on the same night
instant purchase; buying immediately
prompt reply
immediate fellatio (no shower first)
quickly prepared meal or dish
ready consent
thing in itself (philosophy)
available for immediate move-in
ready wit
improvisation (of a poem); improvization
prompt reply
instantly exploding into a rage; sudden outburst
subjects for improvisation; subjects for improvization
Neue Sachlichkeit (German art movement); New Objectivity
immediate connection; direct connection
woman one wants to have sex with at first sight