1. married woman
2. woman; lady
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
widow; divorced woman not remarried; unmarried woman
(female) nurse
housewife; mistress (of the house); homemaker
housekeeper; maid
old woman
barmaid; waitress
ugly woman; unattractive woman
temptress; vamp; siren; femme fatale; evil woman; she-devil
woman; lady; adult female
women and children; woman; grown woman; wife
cleaning woman
head nurse
mistress; lover; prostitute
woman; womankind
female farmworker; woman working on a farm; farm woman
district health nurse; public health nurse
maid or housekeeper (in a visiting arrangement)
beautiful woman; (a) beauty
woman's virtues
women working in military brothels (esp. those forced into prostitution as a form of sexual slavery by the Japanese military during WWII); (lit.) comfort women
female cook
woman's duties
cleaning lady
part-time mom; working mother
heroine; brave woman
women's suffrage
wicked woman
faithful or virtuous woman (wife)
former wife
practical nurse
hostess; waitress
deceased wife; deceased lady
puerpera; woman who has recently given birth
woman who has recently given birth
having a wife; being married
wandering prostitute