to admire a person's courage; to approve of someone's ambition
magnificent; grand; majestic; splendid
tragic but brave; heroic; grim; pathetic
splendour; splendor; magnificence; grandeur
grand; heroic; sublime; fierce
magnificent spectacle; thrilling sight; grand view
heroic; brave; majestic; soul-stirring; lively; gallant
able-bodied; robust; sturdy; strong
young man in his prime; swaggerer; ruffian
ambitious (heroic) undertaking; daring enterprise; grand scheme
prime of one's life; stage of maturity
youth; young man who has reached adulthood (conscription age)
emotionally uplifting; stirring
person in his or her prime; man in his prime; woman in her prime
sublime, magnificent beauty
heroic words; big talk; boasting; bragging; grandiloquence; rodomontade