1. counter for pairs of socks, shoes, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (77 in total)
completeness; being fully equipped; (suit of) armor; armour
insufficiency; deficiency; shortage; dissatisfaction; discontent; complaint
left foot; left leg
supplement; complement
shod feet; wearing shoes; muddy feet; dirty feet
rapid progress; great strides
swiftness of foot; fast runner; swift horse; fleet steed; person of great talent; gifted person
both feet
lack of sleep; insufficient sleep
lack of ability; inadequacy; (being) out of one's depth
washing the feet
trouble of going somewhere
artificial leg
coolie; laborer; labourer; carrier
lack of physical exercise; insufficient exercise; inactivity
insufficient study
dissatisfaction with the work (role) given to one; feeling oneself above the given work (role); not up to the task; (being) out of one's depth
self-sufficiency; self-satisfaction
keeping the head cool and feet warm
footprints; record of page visitors (e.g. in social networking sites)
labour shortage; labor shortage; shortage of workers; shortage of hands
lack of sleep
two legs; two feet; two pairs
lack of experience
four legs; four-legged; quadruped
excess or deficiency; too much or too little
shortage of talented people; shortfall in human resources
ill-preparedness; insufficient preparation; lack of preparation
lack of information; data deficiency
water shortage; shortage of water supply
pig's feet
footwear (esp. outdoor shoes, as opposed to slippers, etc.); footgear
lack of knowledge or understanding
lack of training
outer edge of the foot (from little toe to heel) (karate)
shortage of stock; scarcity of goods
lack of funds
foot region
budget deficit
electricity shortage
shorthanded; understaffed
planta; planta pedis; sole of the foot
being nimble-footed; being quick on one's feet; fast running legs
best student; leading disciple
short supply; supply shortage
pseudopodium (temporary protrusion of an ameboid cell); pseudopod
labor shortage (labour)
soldier's socks
myriapod; many-legged
lack of leadership (esp. of a teacher)
flatfoot; flat feet; splayfoot
lacking enough gravity for (a position, task); being an insignificant figure for (a position)
unimpeded bodily function (one of the six supernormal Buddhist powers)
tube foot; ambulacral foot
head and legs; the body
labour shortage
high retainer
low-status samurai without land; low-status farmer without land
lack of blood flow; poor circulation
caecilian (any burrowing legless amphibian of the order Gymnophiona)
ostrich fern; Onoclea orientalis
foot length
podiatrist; chiropodist
Examples (2 in total)
How many pairs of shoes do you have?
The hosiery factory produces 600,000 pairs of socks a day.